The shovel is ready. The snow tires are on (the front of my car - front wheel drive.) And the salt trucks are loaded.
posted on Dec 1, 2008 5:49 AM ()
I'll send you some more beads, if you will send me some snow.
We have about four to six inches of the white stuff on the ground here in Mid-Michigan.
See that blue spotty stuff in northern Colorado? I'm on the eastern edge of the blue spots almost at the Wyoming border.
Brrrr! Paint Port Alberni yellow. We had a low of 7C/44.6F last night.
Not yet here.We did have a bit of a taste yesterday. Then it warmed up and turn rain.I do not mind the snow. Hey!we are from New England and we are used to this. Now talking about sun.....................
I love snow.
Wow! That looks like a doozy to kick of winter with. We had our first dusting yesterday morning. There really was no accumulation, though, so it was pretty. AJ
brrr, I'll stick with the rain here thanks
Snow is coming your way. Brrr.
We've had a little fog here, not much. One doesn't get much fog in the desert.