Sessie is in the house! Spent the night up in the studio with Sparky. Quincy is protecting them. Good news.
posted on June 3, 2012 7:13 AM ()
She is gorgeous and Siamese and black cats have unique personalities. You will adore her...but I warn you, Siamese are tempermental but well worth the trouble.
I managed to snatch her gently whilst she rubbed at my shoes late last night. When inside, I poured her and Sparky a nice little bowl of half 'n half.
Sessie is one I missed. She seems wild-eyed. Is she a Siamese? How many is that now?
That Sessie is one curious kitty, going by her picture. Did she get her lady parts taken care of?
How adorable. It sounds like s/he is settling right in!
That is nice it is working out there.Nice pic
I don't know how you manage to get all those cats to get along with new ones coming in. Buddy was so territorial - even with humans and even with his own sister.
will adore her...but I warn you, Siamese are tempermental but well worth
the trouble.