One more day of this oppressive heat and humidity. I saw a news item that our humidity had crossed 80 percent! I have never seen it that high without it raining.
Our rain gauge is zeroed. We are about 6 inches short for the year and way down since early June. There have been a few short rains that have been just enough to keep most of the lawns green, but I have to constantly water the rhubarb.
Tomorrow will be even hotter with heat index readings above 100 to 105F. The temp will be a degree or two higher than today's 96 (so far.) We broke records today set back in 2002.
Sunday morning will see the drop in the jet stream and a relative "cooling-off" to the low eighties. That should move the humid air back south of us.
This weather is exactly like Cancun, Mexico, except that in Cancun it usually rains for ten minutes at about 5 PM every day this time of year. The temperature and the oppressive humidity are exactly the same.
I can survive. It is quite a change from what I was used to in California, but with six or seven headband changes a day I will be OK. The cats are in bad shape. I allow them time in the AC bedroom each day and evening, but they get stir-crazy after a while and want back out into the heat.
I have not turned off the AC up there since June 13.
Later. I have melting ice in the Margarita pitcher. Must tend to that.