I have decided to hang in there, and I am stopping all this medication tonight. We are going to keep working on him. My experience with Veterinarians is much like working with witch doctors. Their craft is stone age. I am going holistic here. I did it with another cat (Hobbes) after a thousand dollars in Vet expenses, and it worked. They had Hobbes as a FIP sufferer (fatal,) and I got sick of the trips over there and the bottles of meds. So I rid the house of houseplants (he had been chewing on one) and he totally recovered. It was poison, not a disease. Here's what I am going to do: First, tomorrow I am taking the young male cat in for neutering. That will lower his aggressions. Then I am going to isolate Bunjii again for a few weeks. We'll see.

We are NOT ready to give up!