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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Yup, I'm Easily Entertained

Yup, I'm Easily Entertained

The cabbage/kale/decorative-whatever is still alive and seemingly turning into a palm tree as Donna described it. It sucks water like nothing I've ever seen. The soil is moist all the time but the leaves begin to dry out if I skip a day of watering it.


Aside from that, the holidays are long over in my opinion even tho people still have their outdoor Christmas lights lit. I know that some people do it until January 7 (or so) for religious reasons, but that doesn't interest me. Anybody who knows me understands that it's the commercialism of the season and they way it breaks up the long cold winter that I enjoy.

As far as winter goes, it didn't start until two days ago. We had a record warm December and not snow although we did have 4+ inches of rain. That mixed with November's precip could have translated into four feet of snow. The lake-effect snow began to fly on December 31 and that's the part of winter that I like least. With temps below freezing and annoying snow showers every two days, it's impossible to keep a vehicle clean.

On the bright side, the days are getting longer and the first time it's not cloudy when the sun goes over the mountain it will be noticeably light at 5 pm. So, I look at it as the worst is over.

We haven't started burning wood yet and depend on the temperature I might not have to. The price of fuel is way down for two years ago so the budget buys almost twice as many gallons. No matter how it goes, I won't need to order logs this summer and by the following year I'll be 64 and well qualified for senior housing. That's not something I look forward to and I haven't applied yet even tho I'm old enough but it worse comes to worst, I'll have to do it. A house and property can get to be too much work even with a new knee.


posted on Jan 2, 2016 6:11 PM ()


So you should have chopped it up and thrown it in a soup or in your next hot meal!! Waste not, want not!!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 13, 2016 7:49 AM ()
I just found this Decorative cabbage in different colors
There are not many plants and flower to brighten your garden during winter. The decorative kale is a good alternative to flowers. This vegetable tolerates very cold weather. It can resist under the snow and its colors become more intense with the cold. I have planted kale in different colors as a border in my garden and they look pretty good. I add a photo to show you how the decorative kale looks like. Which flowers or bushes do you plant in winter?
Darn the picture didn't show--I'll send you the URL
comment by greatmartin on Jan 11, 2016 5:56 PM ()
I went to the URL. The pic on the right definitely looks like what I had, looking down on it. I should have thought sooner about where I got mine--from a grocery cart outside in 50 degrees. But I have it on the kitchen windowsill and when I cooked a turkey last week it got too warm and I killed my prize. I gave it a few days to see if there is any life left in the stalk, but it's totally dead.
reply by jjoohhnn on Jan 11, 2016 6:44 PM ()
You are a mere 64!! Speaking from the vantage of becoming 87 in three
months, you are a youngster. I too, have thought of assisted living
because Ted can do nothing in the house or yard. However, I just can't
give it up yet. I am going to start sprucing up the house a little
for eventual resale.
comment by elderjane on Jan 3, 2016 5:08 AM ()
Well,... actually,.... I'm a mere 62 until March. I'll be 64 the next time I order a load of logs. I don't know what I'll do with the house. I should have put it in my niece's name years ago. I hope I don't get to the point where I need assisted living but senior housing isn't so terrible. The apartments aren't large but they're decent except for the "handicapped toilet" and stability bars all over the bathroom--looks like a freakin' hospital. But I could live with that--no lawn to mow and no wood to cut and split. But I want to stay here as long as I can and hope for the best.
reply by jjoohhnn on Jan 3, 2016 8:13 AM ()
With the late start of cold weather this fall, I wonder if we'll see snow later into spring, or will it be one of those mild winter years in some parts of the country where snow is usually expected.
comment by troutbend on Jan 2, 2016 9:08 PM ()
National Weather Service updated our seven day forecast to include for tomorrow 11 degrees and mostly sunny (finally). One degree tomorrow night. After a record cold Feb and and all time record cold (for any month) March, we deserve a break. I'll probably start a fire this afternoon with a forecast low tonight of 9. Can only hope for the best--whatever that is: the apple trees need cold to produce next fall.
reply by jjoohhnn on Jan 3, 2016 8:08 AM ()
What happened to the purple?? Why don't you just spray the leaves??

Yes winter is heading here to--only a high of 74 expected tomorrow and they are talking a low of 62 Monday morning!! Brrrrrrrrrrrr
comment by greatmartin on Jan 2, 2016 8:30 PM ()
The purple turned to leaves and dropped off with the rest of the leaves in the middle. I have already pinched the top, but it's still growing. I really don't know what to expect. I just hope it stay alive at least until spring.

The National Weather Service update our 7-day forecast this morning. Tomorrow is supposed the be mostly sunny (finally after 2 weeks) whit a high of 11. The 1 above 0 tomorrow night. I guess I'll be burning wood after all.
reply by jjoohhnn on Jan 3, 2016 8:05 AM ()

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