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Men Are From Mars....

Entertainment > Spectrum


I got sick and tired of paying $182 for "ntertainment", which actually means about three or four TV channels that we actually watch. Recently we got a Roku, which seems like more hype than content. I didn't see any free channels or streaming that interest me, and Donna isn't much happier with it than I am. But I decided to dump Time Warneer at the end of the billing cycle, which is toady, and search Roku content until we find something worthwhile. So I called Spectrum yesterday and got the old Time Warner upgraded to Spectrum. When I called about switching content a month ago they said the new improved Spectrum would actually cost me about @185. And the woman didn't have any clue that there was a problem with this--even tho I made it quite clear that I had to LOWER the cost. So last night after the change was made Donna's TCM movie channels disappeared. So I called Spectrum again (I have the number memorized) and after the tech guy couldn't get the channel to work, he transferred me to sales after he told me about and option called Choice. So now, instead of yesterday's improved price of $157, we're paying $117 and we still get the channels we want--10 of them, which is more than enough. As for the 100 meg Internet: maybe, maybe not, but my old computer is too old to use it anyway.

posted on Sept 28, 2019 10:54 AM ()


Is that what was called an electrical outlet????
comment by greatmartin on Sept 30, 2019 5:06 PM ()
Yup, but it only had one receptical instead of 2.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 30, 2019 6:11 PM ()
Glad it all worked out!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 29, 2019 9:28 AM ()
this is all too technical for me. we use satellite bundled with internet and phone service. Our TV provider is DirectTV. When it rains, we lose the signal. Ed handles the details. We are paying a high price. Ed complains a lot. I only watch cable shows these days.
comment by tealstar on Sept 29, 2019 8:45 AM ()
My friends are getting antenna tv again and saving a bundle. they say it is not quite as good as cable or satellite but so much cheaper! I would go that route if it were not for the auto shows that Ted love, I
doubt if I would get them.
comment by elderjane on Sept 28, 2019 3:34 PM ()
There's no such thing as an over the air station within 60 miles of here. There are radio stations I can't get because of the mountains.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 28, 2019 5:43 PM ()
We never had this problem in the old days of radio!!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 28, 2019 1:34 PM ()
Yup, my first house had a "radio outlet" in the living room.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 28, 2019 5:42 PM ()
Why don't you get the I mentioned for $29.99--having the Roku makes it even easier and you will never have to get anything else to watch TV, including TCM
comment by greatmartin on Sept 28, 2019 11:43 AM ()
The page I showed you says it's not compatible with Roku. Only IOS and androit. Even so, this way I'm getting the channels we want for about the same price. Twenty-five, but I'm sure there are "extras" added to that. I searched the USA section after I posted it and most of the channels that stream live content require a cable company. But if you're getting all the content you need, that's great!
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 28, 2019 11:56 AM ()

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