The seedlings we picked up have been sitting around for awhile now, but the weather just isn't cooperating. We had frost last week, and although we lucked out last night and it got cloudy, frost is in the forecast again for tonight. Folks around here say that we have two months of summer and 10 months of winter, and it almost seems true sometimes. We should see 80 again by the end of the week, which is abnormal, but better than running the heat in May!
Now, as for the new addition:

I think he's cuter than the rabbits, although Donna claimed him as her pet. He's not as bright as a dog, but not as dumb as a bunny. He's certainly more social than the rabbits, and less afraid of humans. We've been feeding him carrot peels and dandelion greens in addition to his food, and that will get any pig social! He comes running for the carrots.
Hopefully this is the end of the new additions for awhile. The dogs and the pig will go camping, but the rabbits will have to be left somewhere, not that they will care. Summer is here for all practical purposes, and there is still a lot to do, not counting the planting. Fuel tanks to install, and firewood to cut. It will be nice to get the last of the pile off the lawn, but my buddy is still sharpening the chains. Hopefully he'll ger'er done before he leaves for Australia at the end of June.
Happy Spring!