The man-cave is all fired up! Water, power, and LP gas! It's always nice to have her ready, just in case of a power failure or water pump problems--at least we'd have 36 gallons close at hand!

I'm on dial up until at least Monday, so I can't post most of the pics I want to post. But here's one that I have to share. Donna is visiting DD and the grandbabies (gotta wonder what that first D means sometimes), but she'll be home to see the real thing before she turns her laptop on again to read this post, so I can post this now.

We were at the local nursery the other day buying vegetable plants and she saw the hanging baskets. Yesterday she mentioned that she really wanted the yellow and pink whatever-they-are, so since she wasn't home, I figured I'd have it hanging there for when she arrived.
The nursery is only about a half-mile away, so I hoofed it on down there this a.m.. And I do mean down! The hill drops about 300 feet in a quarter mile. Getting down is about as rough on the knees as coming back up, but the one thing I didn't consider is the weight of the plant.
Oops... from the boyz bark, I think she's home.... L8er!