June will begin in an hour here on the east coast, and we are expecting frost two hours after that! I've heard from old-times that it has snowed in every month around here, but I haven't seen that! Of course, all the tomato plants, pepper plants and the surviving squash plant are in the ground. They are safely (?) covered with Wal-mart bags, and all I can do now is hope for the best. It was still 45 degrees out last time I looked, so maybe we'll get lucky. There's also that giant plant I got for Donna at Mother's Day that will need to come in if it gets too cold. I hate to move it, tho, unless I have to, since so many blossoms fall off when it's disturbed.
After several days of rain, which more than made up for the below average rainfall for the past few months, the grass and weeds are growing well. I stayed outside mowing until Donna called me in for tea at dark. I didn't get started until late... not my fault... it was sunny when I woke up, but by the time I fed the boyz and took them out, it was raining. Just that annoying kind of rain, 5 minutes here, 5 minutes later, but mowing under those conditions is something I avoid. We have one guy around here who mows wet grass, and it's something I don't want to be known for!
Donna and I certified for a new job (which I won't say much about due to client confidentiality issues), and the last part of the process was to be fingerprinted. Two days before we went for that, I got a call from a coordinator to work a case. I figured she must know that I hadn't quite completed the process, so I took the work. Prints are done now, and since I'm not a former 60s radical, or anything like that, I'm sure I'll pass the FBI and Justice check. In fact, they won't find my prints there at all. I did get busted for smoking a cigarette on the New York City subway, but the cop let me go after a lecture about something-or-other that I forgot a long time ago.
Maybe this week I'll do some backyard camping, since the rig isn't registered or inspected yet. The damn summer is going by way too fast. In three weeks the days will begin to get shorter, and it feels like spring has just begun. Makes me think about my buddy who's going to Australia... His ole lady didn't realize when they were planning the trip that the continent "down under" is in the southern hemisphere. Yup, they'll be going at the beginning of winter! LOL I guess she's Ok with the idea now, since the trip wasn't canceled.
Well geeez, it's past my bed time again.... Have a good one...