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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Great Day to Be Outdoors

Great Day to Be Outdoors

Spring comes late to Delaware county and we've a a few warm days, but not more than two in a row and not more than twice. But today was the exception. It started off chilly with an overnight low in the mid 40s, but it warmed up by 10a.m. and I got back to where I left off yesterday outdoors--mowing the last 10 feet of lawn.

Thirty or 40% chance of rain used to mean none, but now it means storms all afternoon. I went back to mowing twice yesterday but finally had to give up with a few feet to go. I got the Yaris clean and the mower clean and then I finally began to plant the garden.

Here's a link if you can watch videos:
Click here for the youtube video

I was so tempted to go back out after dinner to finish planting, but I get too tired these days. That's off the subject, but the doc and I both suspect that my BiPAP machine for sleep apnea isn't working quite right, probably losing pressure with age. So I sleep, but not well enough to wake up bright eyed and pushy tailed.

I forgot to go to the open house at the shelter yesterday. It's mainly to get pets adopted, but we're dog walkers, so it would have been nice to shop up. They were also dedicating this year's pavers. For $100 for a 4 x 8 inch or $200 for a 8 x 8 inch paver you can remember a loved departed pet or anything else you choose to have engraved.

I don't do parades either so we'll be home tomorrow. My buddy, who I mentioned before is a vet from nam and he's holding his own even tho the cancer isn't in remission. He had his bladder and prostate removed, but that wasn't enough. Anyway, I think it's more important to remember the vets who are still alive than walk the street in some from of remembrance--maybe I'm just not a terribly social critter.

So, that's the scoop. Summer is short around these parts so I'll make the best of each warm day.

posted on May 25, 2014 7:11 PM ()


We are just leaving NY and enjoyed the weather this weekend. Glad ya got some stuff done! Hope ur friend continues to do ok, and your sleep improves...
comment by kristilyn3 on May 27, 2014 8:49 AM ()
Along with your device for sleep apnea, you might try "healthful Lung Cream - Herbal formula" marketed by Easy Comforts. about $10, avilalable on line. Just Google Easy Comforts. You rub it on your chest at bedtime (or even during the day). I also use nasal sprays -- saline, and a prescription as well. I don't use a device. I sleep through the night now.
comment by tealstar on May 27, 2014 8:20 AM ()
I was wondering how that friend of yours is doing, and am glad for the update. My garden vegetables are all planted, too, some with heated dirt. It's very exciting to think of the plants getting big and actual vegetables coming along.
comment by troutbend on May 26, 2014 7:53 AM ()
Treasure the summer weather and enjoy those fresh garden vegetables when
they start producing. There are a lot of flags out today and it looks
festive but we aren't celebrating. Sorry you are not feeling up to par.
As you know cancer attacks the men in my family and I am feeling empathy
for your friend.
comment by elderjane on May 26, 2014 3:11 AM ()
We have been having summer since April!!!!

Sorry to hear you are havign health problems but so do I--misery loves company!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 25, 2014 8:30 PM ()

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