I also lost a filling over the past weekend and broke part of a tooth a day later. The dentist starts rattling off tooth numbers that need posts and crowns or removal by an oral surgeon. Not happening. I persuaded him to replace the missing filling and I'll deal with the others later. At this point in my life dental work isn't a priority. As they say, if it don't hurt, don't fix it.
Saw the doc before the dentist and that worked out kind of well also. The ortho guys really missed the boat on diagnosis of my ankle but my man Sean got it right. So he sent me for an xray and sure enough. Spurs irritation the Achille's tendon. Off to podiatry this time. Last time I had heel spurs in the mid-90s they were wicked. I couldn't walk a quarter mile. Hopefully this will be a quick fix or at least an injection while I wait. So maybe life will return to normal by spring.
Aside from medical crap there isn't much going on. My Amazon cart is full of stuff for Donna and we're going to the Community Dinner as usual for Thanksgiving. I don't prefer turkey and I prefer it less if I have to cook it.
Too much snow on the ground for this time of year. I started the fire yesterday because of the forecast but it should be 40 by Saturday. Schlepping firewood with wounded knees and a bum ankle isn't pleasant. But a wood fire is better than oil any day, so I'll do it even if I have to carry one piece of log at a time.
Y'all have a good Holiday. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to say in my next post, although I still haven't dealt with decluttering from awhile back.

Happy Thanksgiving young man