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My Take on Technorati
My Take on Technorati
Well, here's my little explanation of the Technorati thing on the left hand side of your blog page. It reads "Technorati: ## Blog reactions". Technorati keeps track of how many people link your blog to theirs. It is not a views counter, as MyBloggers already does that with another little tool. It actually counts how many times someone links to your blog. The "authority" is just an indicator of how many different people have linked to your blog. For example, if I linked to your blog fifty times, it would only count for 1 authority. But if fifty different people linked to your blog, your authority would be 50. Blog reactions, authority, etc. it might all still be Greek to you. The good thing is, you can just keep on blogging and being blogged and not have to worry about Technorati. They sit over there and do their thing in a little corner of your page and you don't have to click on their link if you don't want to. I did, however, and learned a little something today. Now, back to my "real" work. LOL
posted on Aug 22, 2008 10:23 AM ()
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