The doctor thinks the swelling blotches in my face are due to stress. I wonder what I'm stressing about? The only thing on my plate right now is this Singles Conference I'm supposed to be speaking at in Ohio and one other rather important, unmentionable (at the moment) item. The huge scandal involving a former colleague is practically over. Not for him, but at least for everyone else. On to brighter thoughts! NOW!
The Singles Conference is going to be interesting. For one, I have never been to ANYTHING like that before, despite the fact that I'm 34 and still single. Also of interest is that the director notified me yesterday that all of the registered attendees are female at this point. More interesting still, if my face continues to inflate and deflate at random, this could be quite some show! The "girls" just might think they've arrived at a side show instead of a conference.
I'm speaking three times in the conference proper. My topics revolve around being actively involved in the Service of the King, including one session entitled "Don't Just Sit There". The objective of the conference isn't to show singles what they need to do to get married. The focus is on encouraging them to make good use of their single years by being busy in the work of the Church until such a time as they DO find that special someone. I really like the idea (perhaps because I'm living it out myself?).
If there are any photos of interest, I'll try to remember to post them when I return. I'm only flying from Mexico on Tuesday, the 5th and returning on Monday, the 11th. Several people are trying to talk me into staying longer in order to see a doctor about this hot air balloon I'm carrying around on my shoulders. Get it? Inflate, deflate? Never mind. It's corny.
Carry on, MyBloggers friends. I've got a Sunday School lesson to prepare and a rally to attend tonight. Who said "stress"? ;)
This one's going under fashion and style because that's how I'm going dressed to the rally - in high fashion and great style. LOL I kill me. I must be hyper this morning. Bye, now.