I hate that phrase. It is very overused and technically not allowed in formal writing. Why did I choose to use it this time? Simply because I can.
The single's retreat in Ohio was great! I was the only guy there, but it was fun anyway. I met a lot of great people, some my age, some younger and some older. They are like me. Still single and not desperate about it. They've continued to work and function. They aren't boy crazy and neither are they bitter about their single status. We connected on several levels.
I'm glad to be back home. I miss this little town called Ocotlan. Indeed, home is where the heart is. Hopefully, some of the frenetic activity will settle down and I can relax a little. I seriously doubt it. When I do find an open place in my schedule, I'm always looking for some kind of church activity to fill it. Fortunately, I have some colleagues who help keep that tendency in check. Otherwise, I'd probably be working day and night and complaining about how much I have to do.
Anywhoo, thanks for stopping by to read what I write. I'll see you over on your site soon.