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Cities & Towns > Life in Ocotlan

Life in Ocotlan

It's 6:00am; Ave Maria just finished playing on the church bells a few blocks from my apartment, calling the faithful Catholics to early morning mass. I'm at my laptop preparing some discourses for a singles conference I'll be speaking at in Ohio here in a few days. I should already be way ahead in this game, but I'm behind. My two colleagues and I all three came down with a severe stomach infection last week and this week, a pretty bad flu. In addition, my right cheek is still trying swell on occasion. Fortunately, it looks better today.
As cheesy as it sounds, yesterday when we were saying grace over supper, I just couldn't keep from crying. We are so weary of being sick and in pain. We had just returned from the doctor and the pharmacy with a bag full of expensive medicine. There's no health insurance for us here, so we're footing this bill ourselves and I suppose the burden of that along with the ailments, just got the best of me.
I feel better this morning. Otherwise I wouldn't be posting here at this early hour. Hopefully this is the end of the sickness. We've already talked about ways to improve our health and avoid getting ill. We've even changed purified water suppliers. AND, we'll try to avoid, if at all possible, eating things that don't appear to be hygienically prepared. That might not be possible in every case, who knows.

Well, I've spent half an hour posting this, so I suppose I need to get back to work. Carry on, my MyBloggers friends. There's a point to all this. ;)

posted on Aug 1, 2008 4:45 AM ()


Ice from tap water? What a bummer.
comment by elderjane on Aug 5, 2008 3:29 AM ()
Hopefully you all will start feeling better soon. Disinfecting sounds like a really good idea. While your in Ohio you might want to stock up on Lysol wipes *they are good for quick cleaning*...hand sanitizer..and stuff like that.
comment by elfie33 on Aug 3, 2008 2:33 PM ()
May the healing of body, tummy and soul continue quickly. I hope you all are taking good vitamins, too. Good luck with your work, too!
comment by marta on Aug 2, 2008 3:04 PM ()
With Typhoid Maria gone maybe your lives can get back to normal.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 1, 2008 9:29 AM ()

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