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My Little Place On The Web

Life & Events > AM I Right?

AM I Right?

At the risk of being discovered by some of the folks I'm writing about today...(deep breath) here goes.

Is it just me, or does this new generation of adults have a very different concept of responsibility and accountability than the one with which my parents raised me? I'm frequently shocked by the number of adult people I meet who demonstrate a lackluster work ethic and an insolence toward people in authority that borders on rebellion. Grown men who accept positions of leadership and service used to report back to the "commanding officer" and keep other leaders apprised of changes in the plan. They arrived early. They stayed late. They did whatever it took to ensure the success of the mission without being coddled, cajoled or even commanded. In the forefront or in the background, it didn't matter to them, as long as they were actively participating in something larger than life and larger than themselves.

Today, many seem to sleep as late as they can, arrive as late as they can, slop through their duties with the diligence of an insolent teenager and expect more and more in return from those who provide the opportunities.

Gratitude seems to be a thing of the past, not to mention some sense of loyalty. It would appear that the more one benefits from a program or organization, the less inclined they are to show gratitude and some sense of 'giving back' when things improve.

All across our culture, they are being offended at every turn without giving a second's thought to how offensive THEIR behaviors are in the perspective of those of us who sacrificed much when we were their age.

This post might not survive the week, after I've had time to take a deep breath and feel badly for my outburst. But my goodness, I'll be surprised if society survives this new crop of self-centered, lazy and irresponsible adults after the burden bearers pass on. We may already be seeing signs of the decline.

Read fast. I'm already considering erasing this one.

posted on Sept 22, 2018 7:19 PM ()


I've been out of the work force a long time. I remember good bosses and bad bosses. My complaint about the bad bosses was in how they interacted with their subordinates, not that they got to the office late. The good bosses worked with you to improve your contribution and get promoted. The bad ones took credit for your ideas and you never got the raise or the promotion, he did. I had one boss who never wanted me to complete a lunch time. He'd find me in the break room 15 minutes before the hour and suggest that maybe I should be back at my desk, like somehow I was loafing instead of using my allotted time.
comment by tealstar on Oct 3, 2018 12:46 PM ()
I've certainly tried to learn from the leaders I've served under, but I'm stymied at how to handle this new attitude toward life and responsibility in others.
reply by jerms on Oct 10, 2018 3:00 PM ()
What I'm wondering is how you got two letters to both display as uppercase in the title of this article. If I typed, it'd probably show up as 'Am.'
comment by traveltales on Sept 25, 2018 8:27 PM ()
When I read the first four words of your comment, I thought, oh, this is Trout. You have a style!
reply by tealstar on Oct 3, 2018 12:42 PM ()
I wondered the same thing. Perhaps there's another article by the same title and the second capital is the differentiator? Prolly not a word. Lol
reply by jerms on Sept 25, 2018 8:48 PM ()
It's risky trying to sum up a large group of people. But I get what you're aghast at, we all remember the personal qualities that were held in esteem when we were brought up.
comment by drmaus on Sept 23, 2018 12:34 PM ()
This true.
reply by jerms on Sept 25, 2018 8:46 PM ()
I think perhaps you know the wrong young people.
comment by elderjane on Sept 23, 2018 4:32 AM ()
That's been suggested! I might be focusing on a minority. It's a bad habit of mine.
reply by jerms on Sept 25, 2018 8:45 PM ()
Somehow things chug along, but those of us who remember 'the good old days' miss them.
comment by traveltales on Sept 22, 2018 8:56 PM ()
you have to admit, though, that the good old days were a mixed bag. Virtues honored, except it you wuz a girl. Being diminished, ignored, overlooked -- partly because my physical presence was being small and cute instead of tall and imposing. I want a do-over.
reply by tealstar on Oct 3, 2018 12:50 PM ()
I feel caught/lost somewhere in the gap most of the time.
reply by jerms on Sept 25, 2018 8:44 PM ()
By the same token look at the companies today--there is no such thing as a 'family' feeling that there was in our parent's generation and mine--today the bottom line is more important (not that it hasn't always been)than those who earn the money for them--'perks' are almost non-existent and I hate to tell you but EVERY generation says the same thing about the younger generation! "I'll be surprised if society survives this new crop of self-centered, lazy and irresponsible adults after the burden bearers pass on."
comment by greatmartin on Sept 22, 2018 8:14 PM ()
Indeed. I think every generation says the same thing.
reply by jerms on Sept 25, 2018 8:43 PM ()
yikes! Maybe you need a new circle?
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 22, 2018 7:42 PM ()
I was just about to add, "Maybe I should hang with some different peeps?"
reply by jerms on Sept 22, 2018 7:44 PM ()

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