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My Little Place On The Web

Life & Events > My Girls

My Girls

Sorry it's sideways! Just tilt your head. I couldn't figure out how to rotate it!

Last year dad gave the kids 5 baby chicks. Well, 3 have survived and one of those was gifted to some friends. One of the remaining 2 lays an egg a day, but the other one either doesn't or is depositing them somewhere other than the coop. I have so much fun watching them and collecting the little eggs they lay. I'm tempted to go buy a couple of real layers. Anyone know which variety is the best layer? These Banty chicks are hilarious with their crazy hair-do, but they're not prolific layers.

I've lost almost 20 pounds in two months and am still enthused about the lifestyle changes I'm making. Jennifer is accompanying me on this journey and we both feel great!

It was fun visiting with Jeri last week and catching up with her. I never imagined a blog buddy while I lived in Mexico would be my near neighbor when I moved back home!

I'm off to help a friend move some of his stuff out of his house into storage. Y'all have a great day!

posted on Mar 6, 2020 7:09 AM ()


Very nice -- more chicken pictures!
comment by drmaus on Mar 10, 2020 2:31 PM ()
I'll try!!
reply by jerms on Mar 10, 2020 2:37 PM ()
Congratulations on lifestyle changes. When you are ready, let's see some photos.
comment by tealstar on Mar 7, 2020 6:36 PM ()
Yes ma'am!
reply by jerms on Mar 9, 2020 6:45 PM ()
I certainly enjoy Jeremy and feel secure knowing he is just blocks away.
Incidentally Jeremy, you look great and haven't aged a day since I first met you. I always know that you are there for me when I need you and value your friendship greatly.
comment by elderjane on Mar 6, 2020 8:39 AM ()
Awww... Jeri, we feel the same way!
reply by jerms on Mar 9, 2020 6:45 PM ()
Not going to preach--just give some suggestions.
"I've lost almost 20 pounds" When you lose something you go looking for it. 'Losing' weight is the easy part--keeping it off is the hard part. Instead of losing 20 pounds how about saying you got rid of 20 pounds? Yes it is semantics but it helps!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 6, 2020 8:08 AM ()
Yes! I carved off 20 pounds and I fully intend to keep them OFF!
reply by jerms on Mar 9, 2020 6:47 PM ()
I’m envious that you can visit Jeri. I hope you two enjoy the time you get to spend together! Good for you on the weight loss. I completely need to join in on that!
I got our chicks from southern states and tractor supply and a local store. There are usually signs that tell you what they are “good” for. We have 6 at the moment and usually get 5-6 eggs per day. I love our chicks as well - I have learned that nature is very cruel tho! Foxes, raccoons, hawks have all been fed by our girls unfortunately.
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 6, 2020 7:27 AM ()
Yes, we, too, had a surprise tragedy one evening. Still not sure what killed our prettiest hen. We all had a good cry about it.
reply by jerms on Mar 9, 2020 6:48 PM ()
I certainly enjoy Jeremy and feel secure knowing he is just blocks away.
Incidentally Jeremy, you look great and haven't aged a day since I first met you. I always know that you are there for me when I need you and value your friendship greatly.
reply by elderjane on Mar 6, 2020 8:12 AM ()

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