I can safely say, hand on heart I have no drama to report! Well not yet anyway. I seem to have done nothing but write of another mishap, fallout or accident the kids have had. It does get a little boring but the fact that I don't have anything to wention makes me think that my life is dull if there is no chaos or drama involved. Not that I want my kids to be hurt or for family not to be talking it just makes it a little more interesting!
One thing that has happened over the past few days is that my middle child turned 3. I can't believe that he has hit this milestone already. It seems like no time at all since I was taken into hospital to be induced because he was clearly quite happy in the womb which meant I was 10 days overdue. But from the minute that umbilical cord was cut he became a Daddy's boy. It has gotten to the stage that I can't do anything for him when his Dad is there - suits me fine when it comes to wiping bums!
The boys also had a birthday party at the weekend - a nursery friend of J's had turned 5. Although J now thinks he's 6 because he got a cake at nursery yesterday! Haven't quite managed to get the logic through to him as to why he is still just 5!
I have also had my first period in 4 years! So I definately am NOT pregnant. I was beginning to wonder as I had gone so long without one and knowing that DH just has to look at me funny to become pregnant I was starting to think it was time for a kit. I realise that I am so lucky in the fact that we are able to have children with what seems like effortless ease that I am more conscience of those who find conception a challenge. I have just recently made friends with a woman who also has three children. The eldest two were IVF and the youngest was natural. She is very open about her treatment and feelings and would love a forth. I, on the otherhand think that we should quit whilst we are ahead. Maybe I just feel like that at the minute as it is now coming up to 2 years since I managed a full night's sleep! Let's just say watch this space!
I probably mantioned the fact (in an earlier post) that we have a new hoover. Well this new hoover is so powerful that it had a fight with our new rug last night. It was a draw. The rug lost a thread but put up that big a fight that the roller on my hoover now has a massive groove on it where the thread was starting to cut through. I even stop[ped the hoover as soon as I felt the struggle but there was no major damage done and the hoover still works - thankfully! As fort cleaning the rug I will have to look at alternatives.
My garden is also looking great at the minute, this is mainly due to the fact that DH cut the grass last night and also went round the edges with a strimmer - this means that the boundaries no longer looklike a wild meadow!
Ok I think I better stop this rambling now and go and do something a little more constructive, like ironing.
Your nothing much to say today chum
Jen x