Canadian Goddess


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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > I Need ...

I Need ...

…to go downstairs and find my glue gun.

…to fix the bird that broke in my purse and then hang it from the ceiling fan in the dining room.

…a snack.

…to lose some of this holiday weight.

…to go to the bank. My rent cheque is going to be cashed on Friday. It will bounce like one of those balls out of a gum machine if I don’t get down there to deposit some money into the account.

…to shovel. To get to the bank. Or anywhere else for that matter. It’s been snowing all day. Supposed to snow all night. And tomorrow. And so on.

…to have a good cry. Over lots of things. Things I’m not blogging about. Nothing personal. Just a bit of self preservation.

…to tell my sister that I love her more often.

…to feed Snickerdoodle her one meal of the day.

…to save the Daily Bitch pages as I tear them off of my calendar (thanks again, Mel!). I might make cards out of them or even hang some around the house, they are * that * funny.

…to start thinking about my sister’s birthday.

…to start thinking about Michael’s birthday (two! He’s going to be two! It’s hard to believe…).

…to start thinking about Don’s birthday.

…coffee. For all of that thinking.

…to stick to my resolution of sleeping more. So far, so good. Turns out I was wrong. Sleep isn’t for the weak. It actually makes you think a bit straighter. Why didn’t someone tip me off?

…a moment alone.

…to find some courage.

…to go to the doctor’s office tomorrow with Michael. He was put on a puffer last month to clear some nasty, ongoing congestion that stopped him AGAIN from being immunized. But I’m not sure I’ll make it. AGAIN. Unsure why? Look about twelve above this. Snow.

…to start reading my new Wally Lamb book. Don’t ruin it for me, Meranda! I’m not sure why I haven’t fully delved into it and have just skimmed a few of the first pages. Lots on my mind, I guess. No room for fiction just yet.

…to bring some wood in and make a fire and keep it going. The oil is just too fucking expensive. I have to get on this wood thing because there’s a whole lot of winter left.

…to call the satellite company about cancelling most of our channels.

…to renew the plates on my car.

…to post this and shut up.

posted on Jan 7, 2009 5:11 PM ()


You have very busy days. That's where the peaceful January went.
comment by stiva on Jan 8, 2009 7:07 AM ()
The book is good but LONG and a hard read (alot like I know this much is True). It takes all your attention so put it off so you can enjoy every word.
comment by meranda on Jan 8, 2009 6:54 AM ()
I think you need more time for all the stuff you need.
comment by lisad on Jan 8, 2009 12:22 AM ()
I wish I would've bought one of those Daily B*tch calendars for myself. I wonder if they have any left. Good luck with the appointments and all that snow.
comment by mellowdee on Jan 7, 2009 7:59 PM ()
comment by strider333 on Jan 7, 2009 7:35 PM ()
Well, the list will help with giving you something to check items off as you get them done. A lot of them can be done over time. You will get everything you need done.
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 7, 2009 6:37 PM ()
That's a lot of stuff to think about. My getting anywhere has be very limited by the snow too. More again tomorrow. Sigh.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Jan 7, 2009 6:33 PM ()

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