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Life & Events > Wwww


Sorry for not posting very much lately but here its quite busy with work. While I write this a terrible storm makes terrible noises round the building. The national weather institute gave a "weather-alarm" to warn people for the storm.
I titled this post WWWW because there are several things in my mind all starting with a "w".
Watching the news last nights here doesn't make me feel happy. Geert Wilders, a Dutch member of parliament (I mentioned it before), will release a movie end March about the Koran. No-one so far saw a thing about the movie but knowing this particular politician I am sure its a very negative film. The Dutch government already made a statement about all the trouble Wilders will cause with his movie to Dutch citizens abroad, economic damage, our Dutch troops in Afghanistan and more. It scares me a bit seeing Afghanistan politicians burning Dutch flags ( and Danish ones as well btw) already. The movie certainly doesn't give the Dutch opinion about the Koran but just a personal view made by Wilders. Cause of all the threats even Wilders' family needs protection (paid by Dutch tax-payers who, luckily most of all, totally disagree with Wilders).
Wilders has not found a national network willing to broadcast the movie. He tried to launch it with a big press meeting but security costs are increasing too much so the release only will take place on his website on internet
For the Dutch government it still is a difficult subject. Wilders accuses the government of making people scary. Cause of our constitution its impossible to forbid the movie (freedom of press, freedom of opinion), I only can hope Wilders doesn't abuse Muslims with his film.

Weight, another subject starting with W, is bothering me as well. Last year I was on a diet for about 12 weeks and I lost quite some weight then, but, I don't know what it is, I eat more and more lately. Not only more chocolate, candy, peanuts, chips and so but also more vegetables, rice, pasta, potatoes. I should start loosing weight as soon as possible, its just I like the taste of some things so well. Also the wine I consume tastes so delicious that I drink a little bit more then I was used to.

Work, off course, keeps me busy as well. My new function means coming home later then I was used to. I do like most of the work a lot I must admit but some things are a bit boring too ( more meetings grr). Having more responsibilities also means more worrying lol.

Finally I want to mention that the migration of the old to the new blogster caused a weird situation. I still have problems with the speed of the new blogster. Sites still open very slow and it costs me a lot of waiting time to see comments posted. I thought the main reason for the migration was the speed. Well that issue is, for me, still not solved. It makes me feel a little sad.

posted on Mar 12, 2008 3:33 AM ()


Another W for you to worry about surely is het weer. As the seas rise and storms increase the position of below sea level Holland becomes ever more precarious. I remember in 1951, I think it was, around that time anyway, we all took cans of food to school to send to the Netherlands because of the devastating floods caused by breaches in the commission accompanied by terrible storms. Two years ago a dutch commmission found that essential maintenance of dykes had not been done... I hope that has been rectified. We learned last night that the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting much faster than expected and last time Greenland was free of ice, the seas rose 4.5 metres... hope you can swim.
comment by clovis on Mar 12, 2008 6:33 PM ()
That is too bad,we have no problems here.Speed is the words.
Maybe something else is not functioning there.
comment by fredo on Mar 12, 2008 10:04 AM ()

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