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Sorry for not posting very much lately but here its quite busy with work. While I write this a terrible storm makes terrible noises round the building. The national weather institute gave a "weather-alarm" to warn people for the storm.
I titled this post WWWW because there are several things in my mind all starting with a "w".
Watching the news last nights here doesn't make me feel happy. Geert Wilders, a Dutch member of parliament (I mentioned it before), will release a movie end March about the Koran. No-one so far saw a thing about the movie but knowing this particular politician I am sure its a very negative film. The Dutch government already made a statement about all the trouble Wilders will cause with his movie to Dutch citizens abroad, economic damage, our Dutch troops in Afghanistan and more. It scares me a bit seeing Afghanistan politicians burning Dutch flags ( and Danish ones as well btw) already. The movie certainly doesn't give the Dutch opinion about the Koran but just a personal view made by Wilders. Cause of all the threats even Wilders' family needs protection (paid by Dutch tax-payers who, luckily most of all, totally disagree with Wilders).
Wilders has not found a national network willing to broadcast the movie. He tried to launch it with a big press meeting but security costs are increasing too much so the release only will take place on his website on internet
For the Dutch government it still is a difficult subject. Wilders accuses the government of making people scary. Cause of our constitution its impossible to forbid the movie (freedom of press, freedom of opinion), I only can hope Wilders doesn't abuse Muslims with his film.
Weight, another subject starting with W, is bothering me as well. Last year I was on a diet for about 12 weeks and I lost quite some weight then, but, I don't know what it is, I eat more and more lately. Not only more chocolate, candy, peanuts, chips and so but also more vegetables, rice, pasta, potatoes. I should start loosing weight as soon as possible, its just I like the taste of some things so well. Also the wine I consume tastes so delicious that I drink a little bit more then I was used to.
Work, off course, keeps me busy as well. My new function means coming home later then I was used to. I do like most of the work a lot I must admit but some things are a bit boring too ( more meetings grr). Having more responsibilities also means more worrying lol.
Finally I want to mention that the migration of the old to the new blogster caused a weird situation. I still have problems with the speed of the new blogster. Sites still open very slow and it costs me a lot of waiting time to see comments posted. I thought the main reason for the migration was the speed. Well that issue is, for me, still not solved. It makes me feel a little sad.
posted on Mar 12, 2008 3:33 AM ()
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