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Life & Events > And Then We Went South

And Then We Went South

After the rainy day in Leeds it still was cloudy and grey on Tuesday. We had decided to leave after breakfast in the direction of Saltaire a little model-village from the textile industry. A large factory was build here and also a lot of houses were build here for all the employees of the factory. It was a bit difficult to find I must admit but it looked nice. You get a good impression about how life was in those days. In Salts mill there was an exposition of the works of David Hockney, a great artist (painter, photographer..) For info: https://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/hockney/ or try out his own webpage with great paintings, graphics and photos https://www.hockneypictures.com/ I really enjoyed this exposition with all kind of nice paintings and photos.
After Saltaire we decided to leave for Haworth, a little village were once the Bronte family lived (writers family, known cause of books like Jane Eyre and Wuthering heights). The region there is just as described in the books. When you feel a bit depressed don't go to Haworth cause it gives you a bit sad feeling (specially when the weather is typical British, foggy and wet). We had a nice lunch in Haworth (mushrooms on toast) and later we left for the South of Yorkshire, direction Sheffield. In a very little village, called Wentworth, we booked a room for three days in a kind of pub with a nice cottage across the street where the rooms were. A nice room with enough space, a nice bathroom and a (flatscreen) TV. That all for 49 pounds a night. From there we visited a lot of nice places. We went to the peak district, a great national Park, for a long walk and visited towns like Bradford, Barnsley, Rotherham and Sheffield. I must admit there is difference between those towns. Rotherham looks a lot more nicer then Barnsley, which looked a bit poor (well the part we saw). The landscape in that area is so typical British. In Holland pieces of land are bordered a lot by small ditches, here its bordered by little walls and hedges. Its exactly like in a lot of British TV series is shown, the typical English landscape. Walls, hedges and in the fields: english sheep...
For Martin the culinary details: All 3 nights we ate in the pub to which our room belonged. Food was really good so it wasnt needed to leave for another restaurant. The first night we ate a nice sirloin steak with mushrooms, on Wednesday I had a nice rib-eye with peppercorn and the last night we had roasted chicken. Its typical english to add peas with every meal we noticed and we both dont like them so ... a lot of peas left for the kitchen again.

Will be continued again...

posted on May 8, 2009 1:57 AM ()

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