Its weird....
Its very weird.......
Reading the blogs of my friends here sometimes took me more then 2 hours. Last weeks it sometimes takes me less then half an hour. Is there something like a "writers flu" ? I know Aaron had problems with writing and I just read Fredo does have the same with finding subjects. I can understand that cause I deal with it myself as well. But why do we have that problem all at the same time.... I never noticed that before. Or is it something else and are we just tired of writing blogs? I hope not cause it always brings something "extra" here.
Finding subjects always can be difficult. For me I don't want to bore you with my daily things, cause they aren't that exciting to write about. Special things that happen here I will mention off course but my daily routine is not much to write about. Desk work is desk work and teaching is teaching so.....
I read blogs here now for almost 3 years (started on the other side lol) and I start knowing some of my friends here quite well ( as far as possible with not meeting someone in real life). I must admit I care about my friends here. It sometimes feels not nice I live so far away cause it would be great to meet some of them in real life once.
With some of my friends here I really had good chats as well about all kind of things from just joking till serious personal things. It adds something extra to my life and I appreciate those contacts very much. Perhaps its time to say thanks to all of you for that. I don't want to sound too much like a softy ( I already know I am) but people don't say thx easy to other people when there is no special reason for it. Some things are always considered as "normal". Bosses don't give compliments easy (I mean most bosses) but for employees it always feels good when someone says that he or she appreciates the work you are doing. Its the, what we call here in my country, famous "knock on the shoulder" which we all need from time to time.
Thx! :-))
Now that I think of it, even the simplest little posts from bloggers are always worth checking out, so the subjects do matter but we all seem to have enough of a variety of interests that just about any subject works fine.
I hope this "flu" doesn't last long or return too often because it's nice to see everybody "in the swing of things".