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Life & Events > Just Chit Chat

Just Chit Chat

Is there something in the air or so???
Like some other bloggers here I also have difficulties with writing things here. I don't know why it happens but it feels like a problem to me.
Is it because I am rather busy at school now the new year started?
Well I cant think of that for a reason because I were that busy earlier as well.
For me its a problem to find subjects to write about. I don't want to bother anyone with boring posts in which I don't say much at all and it cant be nice to read about my daily things which aren't always very exciting.
Now the school year is started again I am going back to the normal routine things. But a new year also mean new things to develop, new challenges to deal with and all that kind of stuff. The things I am responsible for are increased a bit. More things to do however also means more stressy things now and then. I can deal with that so far but hope I will be able to manage this the rest of the year of course.
New courses to develop here at school are exciting things, but also gives frustration now and then. There are things I like to achieve myself but colleagues sometimes think different. I have to live with that and I must admit, sometimes my colleagues are right.

At home things are doing fine as well. We need to plan some things for the rebuilding. The old kitchen will be placed on an e-bay-like site soon. The terrace in the backyard need to be removed half October. We need to search for a new hardwood floor and for stones for the kitchen area. We need to make a new electricity plan. Where do we want to have the power-points on the wall. what to do with the internet router? Do we still want a cabled network or will we go wireless? My son wants it wired for it has more speed, important with gaming-online.

And then suddenly we got the idea of going away with Christmas. We brainstormed about it and decided that we want to leave to the Canary Islands (hope i translated it correct) on December 26 till January 2. Summer wasn't real good here this year, so we can use some sunshine in the grey days we use to have here round Christmas. So, this year no presents to give but a holiday. We offered the kids to come along (they need to pay as well but we will donate 200 euro a kid we decided (in stead of presents lol) Also the girlfriends can come, we offered. Well, my eldest son needs to work (para-medic he is) so he wont be able to come with us, but the other 2 kids wants to go with us and celebrate the new year in tropical spheres.

Will keep you informed.

posted on Sept 9, 2008 5:18 AM ()


I consider it a courtesy...and it's my way of sharing my friendship...to read other people's posts and to take the time to acknowledge them with an appropriate comment. Yes, I do miss writing and I do so wish to get back into doing more of it, but my schedule and other activities seem to be the real cause for my infrequency. The time I do get to spend on the computer is sometimes more enjoyable if I am reading (and commenting) for I may be a bit too tired from the day of thinking to be putting together a post of my own. I am working on improving this, but it may take a little more time yet.
comment by donnamarie on Oct 15, 2008 7:31 AM ()
The Canary Islands? Oh, how nice and what a beautiful place to be for the holidays! (Yes, I am jealous...just picture me pouting and sulking.)

Don't worry about being boring...reading about what is going on in your routine days is not boring to me. And, whenever you do add news about something new, it's really good to read.

I have gotten really bad at this blogging stuff lately, too. Time seems to be less available and, when I do have time, I seen to be weary of being at the computer or coming up with things to write. Yet, I've got a ton of things I could probably be writing about. I do want to read everybody else's stuff, though, and that is taking time, too. Oh, woe is me...

Anyway, I do understand. I have noticed that this has become rather similar to a lot of blogging buddies, on this site and over at the other site, as well. My friends on MySpace aren't even as active as usual, so it must be other things that have had to become priorities. I do enjoy seeing your posts when I can be here and whenever you can be, so just do the best you can (as I and many others will do) and eventually we will all be back in full force.
comment by donnamarie on Oct 14, 2008 7:10 PM ()
BUMMER!!! I thought you were going to say you would come to Hawai'i!!!! And I am jealous that Martin is only 18 and is gonna be your kid...I am 31 but can pretend to be 18 if you wish LOL. HUGS & hope you all have fun!! Can't wait to see pictures
comment by panthurdreams on Sept 9, 2008 2:43 PM ()
Sounds great there.Maybe Martin and I can become a kid and
go with daddy.Oh!what do I know
comment by fredo on Sept 9, 2008 9:44 AM ()
The holiday sounds like a great idea. It sounds like I am not the only one with writer's block!
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 9, 2008 9:10 AM ()
Can I become your kid and go to the Canary Islands with you?? PUHLEEZE!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 9, 2008 7:01 AM ()

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