First I need to apologize for not posting last days. Its just a bit busy last days.
As you know I always write at school but there was too much to do last days so I wasnt able to write or read at all. Yesterday I read some blogs of my friends list but the ones with a lot of postings I will read today ( so Martin, Fredo, Dale..... ) I noticed you three posted so much I just hope I will be able to read all today. (lucky me my colleague is away so able to read more then usual).
Last Friday I had a graduation of a class I teached in May and June. It is the retailing group who had difficulties understanding all the things I teached them ( wrote about it in May I guess).
All problems were solved btw and almost the complete group received a diploma.
Saturday and Sunday I had scheduled to remove wallpaper from the walls because the builder asked me to do that. It is fiber glass wallpaper and not easy to remove I noticed after 3 hours of work last Saturday grrrrrrrrr. After the rebuilding plasterwork will be put on the walls, to prevent that all comes down with the wallpaper the builder thought it would be better to remove the wallpaper.
Because there was "glass" in it my whole body itched afterwards. Several spots on the wall were too difficult to remove and it took me, for those spots, a lot of time.
Sunday at 5 PM we were almost finished and last night i did the final 2 hours so the wall is clear now.
My sons already removed the terrace ( even without asking it woow). So next things to do this week: removing the wooden floor, removing the first part of the fence and removing the fridge from the kitchen. All need to be finished next Monday.
Because we were so busy we decided to rewarding ourselves and went out for dinner both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we went to a Greek restaurant with excellent food and Sunday night we ate typical Dutch: pancakes with cheese, bacon, mushrooms and onions mmmmm delicious Martin you should give that a try.
Today is a bit of a weird day btw. One year ago I received a mail from an unknown person who told me his brother died that day. It was the brother of a guy I chatted quite a lot with about books, movies and music. I was so totally shocked that day and almost couldn't keep my eyes dry reading that mail at work. Today its his day of dying so it flashes around in my mind now and then. He died cause of cancer, I knew then it was gonna happen but when you finally hear the bad news it comes as a shock.
But also today is a day to celebrate Bruno's birthday. I talk a lot with him lately and we seem to get along with eachother very well. He is having a tough week because his gf is in England and specially in this week there was a lot to celebrate because his gf had her birthday yesterday. He missed her being around yesterday and will miss her today as well of course. I am sure the they will talk on msn a lot ( I hope for both).
When you are able just send him a happy birthday, he will appreciate that.
Bruno, have a great day buddy, I am sure I will catch u later today!