As I said in my last post (already more the 1 week ago) the rebuilding almost is finished.
Last Sunday the floor was layed. All went well except of the final part: The guy who lays the floor ordered too little, so 3 square meters need to be done. Its a part of the room close to the wall so its not a big problem, its only a pity its still not finished.
The whole day 2 guys were busy with the floor. They arrived at 7.30 am so not much sleeping late (what I always like on Sunday) this day. It wasnt possible to do much in the living room so we stayed upstairs. A terrible thing to do just living in your bedroom. My wife and son left to a matinee of Les Miserables round 12.30 so I was totally alone, not able to do much. I watched TV and spent some time talking to Bruno ;-) . The guys left at 3 pm but the had put something on the floor what needed 2 hours of drying so I wasnt able to walk into the kitchen/living room. For all the waiting I promised myself a nice Chinese meal (take away).
Monday , the kitchen-man came to finish his job. Now the floor was layed he was able to place the toe-boards. Also a new sink was placed because the old one was damaged after delivery and the in-build dustbin was installed. So kitchen finished. We also ordered an installation-company for the boiler for the temperature of the water was becoming colder and colder. It was fixed quite quick so another problem solved.
Last Monday we also were finally able to get our furniture back from the storage. What a relieve sitting on my own couch again. It kept us busy 2 hours to put all things back but all has its place now again (except the pc-closet, and HDD-recorder/surround system cause that need to be placed on the not finished part of the floor).
I payed the final rebuilding bills so I can say its finished. The last part of the floor will be done next Tuesday and the Luxaflex still need to be delivered but that are peanuts. What started November 17 finally is ready. It has cost a lot of energy (and quite some money lol) but it was worth it.
Now time to relax a bit, time to read a bit, time to watch tv..... just more time to spend.