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Life & Events > Part 3 of York and Some Other Issues

Part 3 of York and Some Other Issues

I promised to continue so here it is (been busy a bit so wasnt able to write much and also banned on Blogster so why hurry lol).
We lft for York on Friday. We arrived in the afternoon and the first thing we did was checking in in our hotel. The room we booked was a really great one. It was small but it was decorated very nice and it was a pleasure to spent time there. First thing we did was leaving for a citywalk. Our hotel was justa 5 min walk from the citycenter. We decided to ask for info at the tourist information. Here they gave us the idea to do a hop on hop off tour with an open-deck bus. This way we saw several things of York of which we decided to visit. The first thing to visit after the pleasant bus-tour was off course the minster. What a magnificent building they once have made. We spent almost 90 minutes in the church, observing the interior but also the underground part of it. When we were outside again it was time for the famous "english tea" in a real tearoom. There we decided to subscribe for a "pub-tour" . The tour would start at 5 pm on a certain square. Round 10 to 5 we saw a man walking with a book about pubs so we asked how things were organized. It appeared that we were the only ones who would like to do the tour. Well we were a bit in doubt to do it but made the decision, why not doing it. Afterwards a good decision. It was such a splendid tour. The guide told us so many stories about York and about the pubs that made it a very interesting walk.
We visited 4 pubs in which we were offered to drink 1/3 of a pint of "special" beers. During the walk the guide told all kind of interesting things about the centre of York about the professions of with York was famous of and about the buildings.
Drinking beer and walking a lot made us hungry and tired.
So, after a good dinner and, we decided to leave for our hotel ( it was 10 pm so why not). There we read a bit and went to bed.

Again i will continue in my next post.

Last week also was a busy one at work. Lot of things are going on. Budgets still are a big problem and that has its effect on the personel here.
I also had to read a lot of posts which were made during my holiday. That resulted in writing a post on blogster in which I copied a "denigrating post" of a user there with its comments so far. It resulted in a ban of my blog there so ..... lets say its my own fault and some of you know how i feel about it and if I have regrets about it...... I only can say its so narrow minded accusing readers and not give them the possibility to defend themselves ( my reason to post it).
Another thing before I stop writing I just hear on the news now. In my country ( yes my so-called tolerated country) there is a school where the fired a teacher because of his homosexuality. That never had happened before so I am curious about the consequences. They act against the law so I think the school is wrong (legally). Its a "christian" school that thinks being gay cant be rhymed with the view of the school. Will keep you updated about this.

posted on May 15, 2009 7:13 AM ()

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