Next Thursday he will move out of our house so we have a room to renew as a walking closet. Next stop will be IKEA for some cabinets and so.
We also went to the theatre, a program we call cabaret but not the same as what Americans will call cabaret. Its more in the line of stand up comedians..... A great show that made us laugh a lot.
For the second time since I have my I-phone it crashed again. Not that big problem but it isn't convenient. I had to restore an old version of my data so there wasn't lost much (in fact these cell-phones are like little computers). In half an hour all was solved again.
Something that surprised me a lot was an invitation of Dale (panthurdreams) in a application on my phone called pingchat. Now its easy and free to txt him (or sent pics and so).
Last Friday I had a planning-day with the school management for planning the next school year. Cause of reduction of the budget it will be a great challenge to see if it all will fit with the present teachers or that reduction of the team is needed too. Budgets budgets doesn't make it easier.
Because of the financial crises of two years ago the government can spend less money to education as well...grrrr
Last Saturday we decided to go to the cinema. A new ( Dutch) movie was released and the reviews were rather well. It indeed was a good movie.
The leading role is a gay man who's sister always has lived together with him in the same house but now wants to live (with her boyfriend) on her own. He is starting a relation with a guy who isnt sure yet if he is gay or not. And while that process is running the sister becomes ill (cancer) and is having difficulties in her relationship (s). Till halfway its a nice movie to watch. The second half with the process of the illness of the sister is very dramatic and I must say... I couldnt keep my eyes dry. A movie that really "touched" me. Pity it's in Dutch, I only can hope that one day it will be released in the US as well....
Here the trailer ( in dutch):
Sunday (yesterday) we went downtown. Weather was great and there was a flowercorso last saturday (flower parade) in town (cars all filled with flowers (mostly hyacinths). It's an annual event when the flowers are in a great shape here (in the land of bulbs). All the cars were placed in the centre and a lot of people were there to watch it all. Theme was "musicals". Here a picture of the car called " Mary Poppins" .