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Life & Events > Getting a Bit Frustrated

Getting a Bit Frustrated

Now things are getting to normal again, I have more time to write again. It feels good I have the time to comment again and to read about all things that that bother you all. I noticed AJ posted quite some things here. Fredo and Martin were great in posting a lot of things daily but I must admit AJ is in the race for "who blogs the most daily" as well (kidding now, pls go on with it Aaron).

Every year in May and June I teach employees of a supermarket concern here in the neighbourhood. Yesterday was my second class already this year. I always like teaching there a lot but yesterday was different.
The "students" there (employees of the supermarket) are always very motivated. Problem always is that because I have so little time for them I need to do a lot in just one morning. There is not much time left for practising and asking question. What I teach in one morning there I teach in 8 weeks for 3 hours normally in school here. There is a lot to do for them at home. I do that for years now and there never was a problem till yesterday.
They had an exam and it wasn't made very well. 7 of 30 failed cause of difficult economic calculations they had to make. Well for me no problem, the exam was perhaps rather difficult but in my opinion they all started to late with learning. They started complaining to their manager, who came complaining to me. My teaching wasn't right and I teached all too quick. Well I told him I do the same thing now for about 6 years and never had complaints. The program needs just more time but the company don't give more time for it so, yes, I need to do it all quite quick because if I don't, they will not get all things explained at all. The manager didn't mention the thing that it was rather a group of employees not very smart. I always do 2 groups, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The "afternoon"-group all passed btw.
I drove home with a rather unsatisfied feeling, specially the note I would not have been teaching good was part of that feeling.

Today I explained all to my manager and she could totally understand my feelings. She knows I teach well ( I can say that about myself lol) and she asked me not to bother. Well I wont bother anymore but I already know that the next meeting I will have there with the same results and comments will make me decide quitting teaching there (or the management there will be spending more time for the course).

I contacted the manager of the supermarket today and we decided there will be another exam on June 17 for those who failed. Costs me extra time but ok if that makes the feeling better there......

posted on May 27, 2008 7:15 AM ()


You're the teacher so you know what has to be taught and how it has to be taught in order to satisfy whatever is needed and required. If you had bad results in the past or in both of your the present classes you are teaching, then maybe there would be some room for argument or re-evaluation, but your "track record" speaks for your abilities. The fact that some failed in not your fault.
comment by donnamarie on May 29, 2008 6:02 PM ()
Don't let 'the powers to be' get to you--they have to blame someone for the failure--how come they don't give you credit for the afternoon class doing so well???
You can teach me anytime--econhomics that is!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 27, 2008 7:15 PM ()
It is always tough when you have to condence information into a shorter amount of time, and it looks like you really have to do that with this class. It sounds like you are doing what you have to, particularly since the other class is having no trouble.
comment by lunarhunk on May 27, 2008 11:39 AM ()
very nice of you to do this.
comment by fredo on May 27, 2008 9:37 AM ()

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