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Life & Events > I Finally Started

I Finally Started

Some of you here are really Wii-fans. Well here in my house I also have wii-fans and I finally decided to become a "little" wii fan myself.
As you all know my weight is a little too high. My length is 182 centimeter ( about 6 ft) and my weight is 85 kilo (187 pounds). So time for a Wii-fit program.
Before i was able to do anything at all I had to fill in all kind of things like date of birth and length and weight.
Wii calculated a BMI of 25,4, so that is a little too high.
There were also some balancing tests to do, so it costed me about half an hour to get all things done.
Time to train.....lol
Can you imagine? The Wii belongs to my son so its located in his bedroom. I only will train when he is away. So only dressed in a boxer I was totally ready for it.
There are several categories to train, like fitness, exercises for muscles and so and yoga. To reduce weight fitness would be the best. I started with some runs (2 times 3 minutes, and 2 times 6 minutes). It didnt made me very tired btw.
Second part was "steps". Not very difficult to do but you need to keep good concentrated cause the steps you have to do change now and then lol. I also played the hoolahoop for about 3 times. It, I really must admit it, was really fun.
Also the muscle-exercises after the fitness, were a nice thing to do. I didnt do the yoga parts, cause it all takes quite some time.

Only problem now is: will I be able to practise regularly. My intention is yes, but will I succeed in my planning?
Target is to loose enough weight in about a month to give me a BMI which is ok for me.
btw: no pictures will be placed of me wii-ing lol.

posted on Aug 20, 2008 6:04 AM ()


Hey, there might be some people who would love to see pics! After all, you said you do this in your boxers! Seriously, I hope you find it to be fun because then you won't mind doing any workouts, and then you'll end up feeling and looking better. So, have fun and good luck!
comment by donnamarie on Sept 15, 2008 8:03 PM ()
Wow, the Wii comes with a real excercise program or it is just the figure moving?
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 23, 2008 8:45 PM ()
good for you!!! I am struggling with my own weight issue but haven't found a good way to do it except to continue with my swimming & Hiking. I can just imagine you all sweaty in your boxers LOL what an image!! Hugs & good luck my friend.
comment by panthurdreams on Aug 20, 2008 1:44 PM ()
Hmmmmmmmmmmvery interesting.
comment by fredo on Aug 20, 2008 10:13 AM ()
YOu are too funny! I can just picture you having a good time.
That step thing can really be challenging. One wrong step, and you are in real trouble. I like the hula hoop game.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 20, 2008 9:27 AM ()
6'? 187 pounds? That doesn't sound too bad to me since I weigh the same and am 5'10"--oh well, I'll let you exercise for the both of us!!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 20, 2008 6:10 AM ()

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