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Life & Events > Expansion #10 and Other Stuff

Expansion #10 and Other Stuff

So another weekend is passed again. Time really flies lately. This week all of the rebuilding must get finished....finally. There still are a number of things to do.
Today the plasterer will come again to finish the ceiling and the next 2 coming days he will do the walls. Thursday the electrician will finish his job (finally able to use the dishwasher again ....), also new glass will be put in the windows and the new "design"-radiators (I hope that word is known) will be placed. Friday all will be "officially" ready. I am looking forward to it. Also next Friday my holiday will start. 2 Weeks off mmmmm Looking forward to our trip to Tenerife. Warmth again in stead of temperatures of 0 degrees Celsius.

Last weekend I visited a "builders-supermarket" or perhaps you call it a "do it yourself"-shop. I did something I never thought that was possible. I bought myself a drill machine. I hate to drill but sometimes its necessary. Also bought some rail to hang up our paintings and some paint and brushes for the window frames. We also looked for venetian blinds and the ones we liked of course were the most expensive ones. Finally we went to a store to buy a new wooden floor. We haven't bought it yet, we now know what we want. Hope there will be money left to buy it as well lol.

I talked a lot with Bruno lately. I must say that it feels good we can talk about all subjects open and honest. Its always a weird thing on internet to trust people as he said in his last post. I can agree but my trust for him is OK. We shared so many private things already, he is a great guy with one problem: he lives too far away from me. Pity but true, just wished that was different.....

Last thing I want to mention: last week my finger was hurt a bit when I closed my front door. I don't know what happened but it was bruised. This weekend the pain was a bit stronger and my finger still swollen. My wedding-ring was so terribly tight round my finger that i couldn't move it anymore. So I went to the doctor and did what I expected: he sawed the ring. Feels weird after 27 year a ring-less-finger.

posted on Dec 15, 2008 1:22 AM ()


OH NO not your ring!! So sorry to hear about that. HUGS. Hope your finger will be ok too.
comment by panthurdreams on Dec 15, 2008 2:59 PM ()
I bet you will really love having your home back with no workers in it.
Your poor finger. Did you find out what happened to it that made it swell up?
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 15, 2008 11:32 AM ()
Nice to hear about a nice relationship with Bruno.
He is not a wrestler is heOh!what do I know.
Good luck with the final of the expansion.
comment by fredo on Dec 15, 2008 10:57 AM ()
My friend John bought a townhouse condo and he and Gino are doing all the work that you are having professionals do--I hope theirs turns out okay!
Ummm--first the ring comes off--what comes off next?!?!?!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 15, 2008 8:17 AM ()
Oooo! I hope he didn't cut your finger! Go have a nice bottle of Brand and put it in my "tab."
comment by jondude on Dec 15, 2008 7:56 AM ()

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