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Life & Events > Community or Social Sites

Community or Social Sites

What's the reason sites like Facebook, myspace, MSN and Yahoo Messenger are so terribly popular.
I can understand the MSN/Yahoo Messenger ones. I myself use them both as well. Its a nice way to communicate with, there they are again, e-friends. Its an easy way to share file and pics with and its another emailadress. Socialising on Yahoo/MSN can be fun. It also is a nice way to talk with relatives when they live far away. Its not needed to use the , expensive, phone. You even are able to put a cam on so grandma and granddad are easily able to see the grandparents and so.
It also gives negative side-effects off course. You cant trust totally strangers (btw how do you get in contact with those strangers before you put them on your list). Some people arent the ones they say they are, so be carefull with them.
Last year I also get more and more invitations to join myspace-sites and Facebook.
Myspace is a nice site I must admit. I have a site there but must admit I only have it to keep in contact with some who only work on myspace. Same for Facebook. The negative aspect of Facebook is that it has so many many many plugins. Some of those plugins doesnt mean much to me and are a little childish. When you add them your emailbox will be overloaded with announcements about added posts. Positive about Facebook is that you can share a lot with others. Specially Photobooks are nice to watch from e-friends. In Holland we also have "hyves". Its quite the same as Facebook, only its in Dutch. Its a nice way to keep in touch with old schoolmates and so. Thats is the way they once found me for a reunion of an old Class i teached 20 years ago. So thx to the "social"-sites. Perhaps we meet on one of them soon (with some I already am "a friend" lol).

posted on June 19, 2008 7:04 AM ()


I love the two blogging sites I'm on, although I am registered with three others (only use one of them on rare occasions). I get a kick out of MySpace because I love "designing" my page...oh, I really get into a "theme thing" every time I change the look (and sound), so I change it often. I don't do any communicating on the other sites that I'm registered on like many others do, but I have left some comments and have gotten some on YouTube and imeem. I stopped using instant messenger when I reached a point of never getting off the darn thing! The sites I concentrate on (mybloggers, Blogster, and MySpace)are where I have so many friends, so I really enjoy them.
comment by donnamarie on June 26, 2008 4:39 PM ()
I can't find the time to respond and post on mybloggers, let alone all those other sites... when do you do all this? I must be getting old. I've a satellite dish and a speed of about 50KB/s... how fast is your internet? it make a difference i suppose. I have to wait a minute or so to see even a small video, so usually dont bother.
comment by clovis on June 20, 2008 12:52 AM ()
I find myspace to complicated to use, to get 'friends', etc. and I get very little feedback--granted I only post my movie reviews there but, to me, both myspace and facebook are for the younger crowd.
comment by greatmartin on June 19, 2008 1:22 PM ()
They are pretty interesting. I wonder how addicted I will get.
comment by lunarhunk on June 19, 2008 8:18 AM ()
there is different perks to each site I found, So I kinda jump around on several of them.
comment by ekyprogressive on June 19, 2008 7:13 AM ()

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