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Life & Events > Back Again ... .

Back Again ... .

Almost feel ashamed I didn't post for such a long time. Sorry sorry sorry......
This schoolyear is so terribly busy for me that I cant make time to post anything ( i used to do that in lunchbreaks but during my lunchbreaks I usually keep working lately. I know that's not good but it just is that busy.
For those who asked about I will give an update about my situation.
I have troubles using Blogster for quite some time now. I can login but then it lasts about 4 minutes to see the next page i click on. That also means its difficult for me to comment there, specially for the blogs not posted here as well like James blogs. I today decided to start reading then while not being logged in there and comment as anonymous.

I will start my update in December. Quite a busy month as usual.
As a lot you might know I joined an operating team of a video chatroom several years ago. It was and is, as I may call it, quite a part of my secret life. The main owners decided to quit with that room quite sudden and another member of the team decided to continue a new room in which I also joined. Almost the same team joined so actually not much changed for me, apart from a little bit chatroom policy. Then sudden a week after closing their room the old main owners decided to reopen again. Well I already committed my loyalty in the new room and couldn't let them down, after all the closing of their room was so sudden and we even weren't informed about it. Result of this all was that the main owners decided to end a friendship of almost 4 years of which I felt rather confused. I noticed it cause of Facebook in which I suddenly didn't saw them in my friendlist anymore.
After contacting them they told me my friendship was a fake one...... because i supported another chatroom now and used a different login name in theirs.... I always cared a lot about these guys and still feel weird that its all over, we always shared a lot.

End of December we left for Thailand. We had booked resort, flights and train tickets all separately. This way we were able to book very cheap tickets (a flight from Frankfurt in stead of Amsterdam was about 300 euro cheaper per person). The flight schedule was nice till we received a schedule change half November lol. Our flight back was changed and now we would make a break on Beijing airport for almost 7 hours....grrrrrrrrr. Well we knew it on time so we were prepared and took an extra dvd with us to watch in the waiting time there.
Saturday December 19 we had booked a high speed train to Frankfurt Airport. It was a comfort train with restaurant and so...well that was what we planned. Cause of employers problems the restaurant wasnt open :( After an hour the security system went down.... resetting costed 10 minutes and that happened 4 times..... When we arrived at cologne we were told to change trains because there was too much wrong, so another delay for about half an hour. Well we finally arrived on time in Frankfurt but I will never do this way of travelling again. Better pay a bit more and just fly from Amsterdam airport just 15 minutes away from my home.
The arrival in Thailand was great, in Amsterdam it was freezing when we left and when we arrived in Bangkok it was nice warm ( 33 Celsius)... such a temperature change mmmmm I loved it.
We were welcomed very friendly on the resort .......

For those on Facebook: I posted some pics there...

Will try to write part 2 as soon as possible..

posted on Jan 18, 2010 2:25 AM ()

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