You know the drill! 40 ODD things about you! Learn 40 things about your friends and let them learn 40 things about you. Once you've been tagged, please complete.
1. Do you like blue cheese dressing ?
Nope I hate blue cheese
2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
Yes, been addicted till about 12 years ago
3. Do you own a gun?
4. What's your favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffee shop?
5. What do you think of hot dogs?
I like them a lot (actually eat one every week)
6. Favorite Christmas movie?
7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
8. Can you do push ups?
I can but never do
9. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
my bracelet
10. Favorite hobbies?
movies, reading, pc, blogging
11. Do you have ADD?
what is ADD?
12. What's one trait that you hate about yourself?
too introvert now and then
13. Middle name?
14. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
my dear friend
I need to finish this soon cause i need to work actually
15. 3 things I drink the most.
coffee, fanta, red wine
16. Current worry right now?
17. Current hate(s) right now?
18. Favorite place to be?
19. How did you ring in the New Year?
20. Like to Travel?
love it!
21. Name three people who will complete this:
Bruno, Dale, Donna
22. Do you own slippers?
23. What color shirt are you wearing?
24. Could you ever make it 39 days on the show Survivor?
25. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Non, they will hear it outside, prefer singing while cooking
26. Favorite girl names?
27. Favorite boy names?
28. What's in your pocket right now?
too much.... keys, cellphone, car key, banking passes, wallet
29. Last thing that made you laugh?
30. Worst injury you've ever had?
glass cut in wrist
31. Do you love where you live?
yes i like it much
32. How many TV's do you have in your house?
33. Who is your loudest friend?
34. Does someone have a crush on you?
I hope
35. What is your favorite candy?
drop (black liquorice)
36. Favorite Sports Team?
37. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
online talking with a special friend
38. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today?
Someone dear to me
39. What is your favorite Holiday?
40. What are your plans for tomorrow?
sleep in, install new cabinet for tv and so, watch football (soccer), talk to someone dear.