Good Morning, MyBloggerstown:
It's been awhile since I've posted a Sunday morning missive. It's about 6:35(MST) and it's just beginning to get light. It's 'asposed to be warm today but get cold on Monday with snow. Well, I guess that's springtime for ya.
I am sooo proud of myself. I slept until about 5 am. I actually slept from about midnight til then. Was awakened by a leg know those ones you get....and after that calmed down I was gratified to see how late I'd slept. So I got up, made some toast and coffee and read some newspapers on line.(its cheap assholes like me who are causing newspapers to go under but what can I do. I can't affort to subscribed to all the papers I read.) I really enjoy this...sitting, watching the sun come up, reading news and drinking coffee. I'm going to have a busy day. I've invited Bubba and Suffering over for dinner. I'm going to prepare pot roast, mashed spuds and either corn, carrots, or green beans, I haven't decided yet. Plus hot rolls with real dairy butter and sweet tea.(you can take the girl out of the south, ya know?) There's ice cream for dessert, too. I figured what with all the angst they went through having to deal with Mama and Crazy Sis all last week, they deserved a break. And Suffering doesn't have to cook a big meal, even though she sez she doesn't mind. Their kids usually drop by their house for Sunday dinner(Lulu Belle, her husband Buster, their kids Damien and Wednesday, plus Jethrene and her kids Daisy May and Jethro. This isn't counting Bubba and Suffering's two dogs Moose and Benson and the cat Munchkin). These people have been through the mill and I thought I'd give them a brief refuge from whiney adult children, loud, rowdy grandchildren and psychotic animals. It will not hurt said children, grandchildren and animals to fend for themselves one Sunday.
So, now that I've lived in Cow Snot for a few months, I've made some astute observations.
1) Cow Snot (population about 60,000) is a lot like Devil's Asshole; only with wind and scenic vistas. Very close knit and somwhat provicial. There is not one jazz, or classical radio station on the dial. There are however a coupla top 40 stations(gag) and way too many (two) country stations. There are a number of Spanish language stations as well. Well, I was prepared for a cultureless void and I got it.
2) There seems to be a lot of road repair and construction going on. Thank goodness they finally completed whatever it was they were doing out here on Chief Thunder Jug Blvd. Now my cordless phone has stopped crackling. Yay.
3) Nobody, but nobody, uses turn signals here. I can't count the number of times I've nearly rear ended some douche bag who didn't have the common courtesy to signal before turning.
4) People seem friendly enough. I am taken aback by this as I am still in sort of a New York state of mind and keep wondering what their problem is and what the hell they really want.
5) There is much natural beauty here, but I still can't get over how brown and relatively treeless it is. Those who live here assure me that it does get green eventually though, and I think I am beginning to catch glimpses of green fuzz on the trees and greenish tints appearing in the grass.
6) Most things here have names that include the words "Frontier", "Western", "Rocky" "Pioneer", "Ranch", "Buffalo", "Range" , "Cowboy" and/or various Native American references (i.e. "Chief Thunder Jug Blvd" where I live). There is actually a place between here Denver called "Horse Teeth Reservoir". I am NOT making that up.
All in all there are worse places to live, I 'aspose. I really do relish the cleaner air, the wide open spaces and the fact that there are only about 500,000 other people in the whole friggin' state. That is a big plus.
Have a good week, everyone.
yer misanthropic pal