Good Wednsday, MyBloggerstown:
Well, we have a new fur kid in the fam damily. Brother Bubba and wife Suffering have gotten themselves yet another pup. She's a boxer mix that they have named "Reagan". This after Bubba's favorite president and the devil child in the "Exorcist". They came to the decision to get a pup because they were missing the late Brody/Buddy and their other dog, Benson, who had bonded with Brody/Buddy, has been soooo despondant and depressed since his pal's untimely demise. Suffering reports a marked improvment in Benson's mood and they are feeling the empty space in their life filled as well. I went over the other evening to meet her and she's just adorable. These friends of theirs breed boxers and it seems one of the females was in heat and a neighbor mutt somehow got in her pen. Well, one thing led to another and voila! Pups. Now, they couldn't sell these pups as they were not purebred so they gave them to friends. Reagan looks like her mama...she got mostly Boxer genes. The people even had her tail docked to complete the look. It's so cute ....when she wags her stump, her whole butt goes into overdrive. In a few weeks, she'll go to the vet for the "band-aid" so she'll not have pups accidentally. Both Benson and Moose, the other two dogs, are fixed but Bubba and Suffering are responsible pet parents. Still, its a good thing all are or will be fixed. Benson is the homeliest dog on the planet and anything that he and Reagan might produce would be total canine nightmares. I mean I love the dog but the truth is the truth. All dogs seem to be adjusting. Even Munchkin the cat is coming to terms with yet another dog in the house. Benson is happy and Moose just doesn't give a damn. He's older and laid back. As long as he's fed and petted, he's good with it. Daisy May and Jethro were by the other day and Daisy fell in love with Reagan. She calls her "my dog who lives at Grandma's house", since she's sort of a replacement for Brody/Buddy who was originally Daisy's dog. Jethro is ambivalent as he doesn't like his face licked and Reagan is a licker. I still question the wisdom of having three big dogs in the house but its a good size dwelling. Ah, well. I'm not the one who has to vacumn up pet hair.
Have a good week, everyone
yer stocking up on Puperoni pal