Well the "blizzard" we wer expecting a few days ago finally showed up. We got quite a bit of snow...it s kinda hard to tell how much because the wind whipped it up so much, you have bald spots here and foot high drifts there. I would guess we got about 6-8 inches all told. It finally stopped for the moment but it is colder than the tit of a well digging witch; about 11 above according to the radio I am listening to as I write. Brrrrr!. Hopefully, this will be the "Easter Storm" every one dreads and spring will get back on track.
In response to a number of requests(1), here is a picture of what Reagan looks like. This is NOT Reagan herself but this little pup has markings and an expression almost exactly like Reagan's. She's about this size, too. So, as you can see, she's darling.

Am I already attached? Nah. She has not effected me at all. And if you buy that I have some beach front property here in Cow Snot I wanna sell ya.
Have a good weekend everyone
yer checking to see if mamaries haven't frozen off pal