I just love these things.
1). Do you like blue cheese dressing?  Nope...never did never will
2). Have you ever smoked cigarettes? The tobacco kind? No.
3). Do you own a gun?  to quote a recent candidate for national office, you betcha
4). What is your favorite drink at Starbucks?  That butterscotch thing.
5). What do you think of hotdogs?  Breakfast of ex-champions. Just don't think about how they are made.
6). Favorite Christmas movie?  "It's A Wonderful Life". Honorable mention: "A Christmas Story"(the one with Ralphie and the BB gun)
7). What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee...Maxwell House
8). Can you do push ups? Not even if you held a gun to my head.
9). What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Not real big on it but if I had a tourquoise and silver braclett of some kind, it would be that.
10). Favorite hobbies?  Music, writing, reading, watching news shows and mooning the gub'ment officials on them.
11). Do you have ADD? Hell yes. I am the poster child for ADD.
12). What's the one trait you hate about yourself?  Impatience.
13). Middle name?  Jasper
14). Name three thoughts at this exact moment.  "Thank God Mama and Crazy Sis are headed home"; "What am I doing up at this ungodly hour?" ; "my butt is asleep and I'm not...it isn't fair, I tell you".
15). 3 things I drink the most.  Coca Cola, water, coffee
16). Current worry right now.  Money, health, not sleeping
17) Current hates right now. Money, health, not sleeping, oh and as always, stupid people
18). Favorite place to be? Sodus Point New York now that spring is almost here. It has a peir, a lighthouse and is just a nice spot on the lake.
19). How did you ring in the New Year? Falling asleep 10 minutes before the ball dropped. What a wild woman!
20) Like to travel? Love to...but unfortunately, finances and health concerns forbid much of it.
21). Name three people who will complete this? Most MyBloggerstown residents, I hope
22). Do you own slippers? Yes...blue, fuzzy ones
23). What color shirt are you wearing?  grey tee shirt
24). Could you ever make it 39 days on the show "Survivor"? Yes, but none of the other contestants would...mwaaa ah ah.
25). What songs to you sing in the shower? currently, "It's Raining Men", "Wish I Didn't Know Now What I Didn't Know Then", and "Moondance"
26). Favorite girl's names.  Alicia, Maureen, Kim
27). Favorite boy names. William, James, Patrick
28). What's in your pocket right now? Used kleenex, wrapper from cough drop, lint
29). Last thing that made you laugh? Expression on pet's face when begging for treats.
30). Worst injury you've ever had? Almost cut big toe off once as a child.
31). Do you love where you live? No, but it'll do.
32). How many tv's do you have in your house? two
33). Who is your loudest friend? Jean, but she's not louder than me.
34). Does someone have a crush on you? I doubt it. If so, I question their good sense as well as their good taste.
35). What is your favorite candy? Milky Way, or anything with carmel in it
36). Favorite sports team. Dodgers. In football...'Skins and/or N'Awlins
37). What were you doing at 12am last night? sleeping in recliner
38). What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today? "Damn, I fell asleep in the recliner", "my back hurts", and "I gotta pee".
39). What is your favorite holiday? Halloween. Before I die I am gonna dress up as Elvis and pass out treats.
40). What are your plans for tomorrow?  Sit on my ass, eat, take naps, watch boob tube, read, surf net. I don't know how I'm gonna take all that excitement. Better pace myself.
Well, there it is....enjoy, my dear blog pals
yer burning the candle at both ends pal