Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Invasion Set for Tommorow

Invasion Set for Tommorow

Good Humpday, Blog Pals:
     Well, the day I've been dreading is upon us.  Mama and Crazy Sis arrive tomorrow. Sis-in-law Suffering and I are gonna go pick them up in Denver after a two day bus ride('cause neither Mama or Crazy Sis will fly, the idiots. I mean busses crash and kill people too, fer God's sake). They're gonna be here for a week so I guess I should put on a happy face and make the best of it.  I know Jethrene's 4 year old Daisy May will be out of her mind.  Auntie Crazy Sis is Daisy's favorite person...next to her daddy whose out of the picture permanently and good riddance to THAT sorry sacka....but I digress.  I guess one or both of them is gonna come over here and spend a night or two.  Now I have my choice....I can have someone who hates my Little Debbie Snack Cake eating guts and thinks I'm a notch below pig shit on the value scale.  Or I can have someone who thinks I'm a drooling, brainless failure and who likes nothing better than pointing all this out.  Well its six of one and half dozen of the other...whadaya gone do?  I have a feeling this is gonna be one of the longer weeks of my life thus far.  I really feel for Bubba and Suffering though....the guests from hell are gonna be over there most of the time. (bugg dancing, doing arm pumps and whispering "whoo hoo").  I know they'll be glad when the fam damily packs up and heads back to Devil's Asshole. 
      Otherwise all is the same.  I attended my first Shady Pines Tenent's Association meeting yesterday afternoon.  Out of 50+ tenents about 12 showed up.  The main themes seemed to be a) how much to charge people for the privilage of attending various dinners, events, outings etc. b) people parking in the assigned spaces of others, and  c) what a bunch of assholes the people at the Cow Snot Housing Athoritah(the agency who operates this and the other senior housing situations in the area) are.  The old party who manages(and lives in) this building actually had her hearing aid in for the meeting; otherwise she's deaf as a doorknob.
Me:(loudly a la Tim Conway on Carol Burnett) " Morning Mildred"
Mildred: "Boring billfold?"
Me: "Nevermind"
Mildred (to another tenent): " She sure is a strange one.  Needs to speak up too...can't hear a word she sez".
     Well, I guess I should go pick up my dirty laundry, clean the bathroom and wipe off the top of the fridge before they get here.  Don't need to give them any more ammunition.

Have a good rest of the week, everyone.

yer "she's such a lazy slob...her canned goods were not alphabetised" pal


posted on Mar 11, 2009 4:29 PM ()

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