Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > The Enquiring Weekly World Globe Buggnews 20

The Enquiring Weekly World Globe Buggnews 20

Good Friday(and it is, come to think of it) MyBloggerstown:

It's been awhile for this so here are some news events as seen through the ol' buggscope.

Item: President Obama Bows to Saudi King. Here we go again. First Dubya Dumbass goes over to Saudi Arabia and French kissed the Saudi rulers asses for oil now this. During his recent overseas trip President Jug Ears is seen in a video clip deeply bowing to King Abdulla(Towelhead-Saudi Arabia). White House spokespeople deny this was a "bow" and explain that the president was mearly leaning over due to the height difference between himself and the Saudi ruler. I watched the clip and its a bow....no doubt about it. I, once again, am mortified that our leaders are toadying to these mysogynistic, gready, dictatorial bastids. The American president doesn't bow to any other world leader. What in God's name was he thinking? Had I been elected as I should have, you can bet yer ass I wouldn't be bowing and scraping. I'd be grabbing the Saudi royals by the throat, backing them up against the tent flap and say," Awright you
camel jockies, give up the friggin' oil or yer gonna get a patriot missile up yer bernoose."

Item: President Backs Immigration Reform. The Obama Administration is backing a plan to fast track illegal aliens to citizenship. Sounds like amnesty for a a buncha law breakers to me. Jesus H. Christ in a sidecar. Rewarding bad behavior will only encourage it, don't these idiots know this. I still say round them all up and boot them back to Mexico or Guatemala, or Singapore, or Sweden, or Latvia or whereever the hell it is they come from and make them go through the process the right way. This would go a long way to ease the deficit and free up jobs for Americans who desperately need them. But of course this would make too much sense. When the press once asked Dolly Parton if she'd ever concidered running for president she said "Hell no, there have already been enough boobs in the White House." I heartily concur.

Item: House Speaker Calls Immigration Raids "Un American": Speaking of illegals, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(Botox addict-California)has condemned raids conducted by the INS as "Un American". The cologen fumes must be seeping into her brain. I have never heard anything so asinine. What in the name of all that is holy is wrong with these people? It should be noted that she was speaking to an Hispanic group when she made this moronic statement. Pandering? Nah.

Item: New York Mayor Turns Sights On Salt: Again the health Nazis are poised to strike. Not happy with just getting transfats legally banned, Mayor Michael Bloomberg(Nanny Stater- NY)has now targeting salt content in food. Hizonor wants to start a "nationwide initiative " to pressure the food and restaurant industries to cut salt content by half over the next decade. First no tasty transfats now no salt. Why don't we all just eat styrofoam and cardboard and let it go at that? Someone has to stand up and say "EEEEE-NUF." Keep the damn gub'ment out of my bedroom AND my dining room. Arise, fellow salt addicts. We have nothing to loose but our blood pressure.

And finally.

Item: Town Trustees Befuddled Over Naming New Stadium: Having solved all other municipal problems, Austin city officials are in a quandry over what to name their new athletic stadium. The name they had originally picked "Tumbleweed Hill Stadium" was nixed by state officials because it could be construed as a reference to marijuana. This is just too ridiculous. All I can say is, if you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.

Have a good weekend and a Happy Easter to all my dear blog pals.

yer getting the goods pal

posted on Apr 10, 2009 6:15 AM ()

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