Another bogus preecher maked lotsa cash by foolin peeples whut believe in the stuff sumbody writed down in Revelations back before they even had TV or iPhones or Google. Sum fools believe so mutch that they will just about believe anyfing a preecher tellz them
Now, I, being a cat, have more sense than that.
I believes only whut I can detect wif my own nose and eyes... and sumtimes I eben doubt that.
My daDDy he comed home aftur two dayz frum Columbumus and he sold a painting and thinks he may have sold anuther one but they hain't paid fer it yet.
He had the aroma of a doggie on his luggage bag, hiz shoes, and parts of his jeans. I suspect heez been cheating on us and haz a doggie stashed down ther.
Rinny thinks the doggie is healthy, getting old, and is prolly a brown and white mutt. Rinny got a good nose.