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Save Peter Rabbit!
Save Peter Rabbit!
There is an Associated Press story today that has really got me upset.
In the town of Hickman, Nebraska, there lives an old Morgan horse by the name of Peter Rabbit. Peter is 32 years old, which is extremely old for a horse. (The average life span for a Morgan is between 25 and 30 years.)
Peter is the only horse in Hickman, which has a population of 1084 humans. In fact, Peter is the only creature that is considered "livestock" in the whole town because, back in 1988, a town ordinance was passed prohibiting livestock from being kept inside the city limits. Unfortunately, at the time the ordinance was passed, Peter had already been living there for twelve years. (He was born there in 1976.)
Hickman was a rural, farming community when Peter was born there, but since then, it has turned into a fast-growing bedroom community for the large city of Lincoln.
When most of the farmers moved out, the yuppies moved in.
Harley Scott, the 76-year-old farmer who owns Peter, was served with an eviction notice last week. The notice, which was signed by Hickman’s mayor, JIM HROUDA, orders Scott to remove Peter from the only home that he has ever known by September 15 of this year.
Scott says he has no intention of complying with the order. He says that, even though Peter is in good health, he is still a VERY OLD horse, and the move could be detrimental to the creature’s well-being.
Have you ever seen a Morgan horse? They are absolutely magnificent creatures! Majestic. Proud. Even-tempered. Affectionate. It seems to me that a Morgan could only add to the aesthetics of a community. Remember, we’re talking about ONE HORSE here! We’re not talking about pigs or chickens, which have a tendency to smell. (And even if we WERE talking about chickens and pigs, as long as they were there FIRST, what rights do new-comers have to demand that they leave? Look. It’s simple. If you buy a house next to an existing pig farm, you’re going to see and smell pigs! If you don’t like that, then DON’T BUY THE FREAKING HOUSE!)
I can see restricting NEW farms from being established. I can even see (almost) not allowing new animals to be housed on existing farms (as long as they are not working farms where new animals are sources of livelihood and income.) However, Peter has been there, in that same pasture, for 32 years!
It just flat-out isn’t right.
The audacity and arrogance of some people makes me ashamed of my species.
I wrote an email to the town of Hickman expressing my feelings on this matter. If you would like to do the same, it’s easy. Go to the town’s website, which is:
Â Click on "contact us." When the new screen comes up, click on "other" in the subject box, and then write your message. Here’s the one that I sent:
"Save Peter Rabbit! I live in Connecticut, and I have been around horses all of my life.
What POSSIBLE harm can having a 32-year-old Morgan horse living out his last days within the city limits do to the community? (Especially since the creature was there BEFORE your ordinance against livestock within the city limits went into effect! I don't think you can hide behind the law on this. If people REALLY wanted to, I'm sure that they could find a way to grandfather the horse in here.)
I am absolutely appalled by your actions. To me, there is little in life that is more appealing than looking at a Morgan. If you ask me, Peter would ADD to the beauty of your community.
I want you to know that your foolish and inconsiderate actions have made the national news, and you are being made to look like inconsiderate fools."
Peter really doesn’t have that much longer to live. Couldn’t these jerks put up with the sight of a beautiful, old horse in a pasture within the city limits for just a little while longer and let the gentle, old boy live out his days in peace?
posted on Aug 14, 2008 6:44 AM ()
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