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Cranky Swamp Yankee

News & Issues > Note to Iraq - Don't Think it Hasn't Been Fun!

Note to Iraq - Don't Think it Hasn't Been Fun!

Poor Barack Obama! There is JUST
NOTHING that he can do to make The Right happy!

When he was elected, we were told by
his detractors that the man would be an ineffective
Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces.

Well, good old George W., after 9/11,
told us that he was on a relentless hunt for Bin Laden. George had us
looking for the guy in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in mountain caves of
Pakistan. For seven years, W. searched for the criminal, and never
found him.

Obama's military found him an apartment
in Pakistan, and they killed him.

That was pretty effective. Don't ya think? (Or is my liberal bias altering
my view of reality again?)

Now, Ghaddafi is dead. His death was
precipitated by a U.S. Drone attack on his convoy as he tried to
escape from him hometown of Sirt. (THAT was pretty effective too. No?)

The Arab Spring came about under
Obama's watch. (He didn't actually cause it, but his policies and
America's strong presence gave the people the courage to do the
things that they are now doing.)

And now, President Obama is ending U.S.
involvement in George's war in Iraq.

It wasn't all too long ago that Mr.
Obama was being criticized by people from both sides of the political
spectrum for not pulling out of the war. Many said that Obama had not
fulfilled his campaign promise to get us out of there.

Well, guess what? Now he has!

And guess what else? The Right is
criticizing him even more now
for doing it!

doesn't that surprise me?)

Iraqi War began on March 20, 2003.

“Shock and Awe?” It was supposed to scare the living crap out of
the Iraqis and bring the war to a swift conclusion.

On May
1, 2003, George W. stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln with
a huge banner behind him which declared, “Mission Accomplished!”

mission was he talking about, do you think? Since the war didn't come
to an end, “The Mission” is anybody's guess, huh? It certainly
couldn't have been The Iraqi War, right? Because the thing was over.

did we start the war in Iraq?

to the Bush Administration, there were four reasons:

    .Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.Guess what?He didn't! At
    least none that we've ever found after almost nine
    years of searching.


    1. We
      were going to destroy Al Quida. Well, Al Quida wasn't there when we
      started the war. They are there now because we pissed off enough
      Iraqis, and we created many more terrorists.

    2. We
      were going to get Bin Laden. Guess what? He wasn't there!

    3. We
      were going to get Saddam. We got him. He's dead. So why are we
      still there?

As of
March 1, 2011, the United States has spent almost $900,000,000
fighting the war in Iraq. (That's nine
And we have lost over 4,400 men and women there.

past Sunday, Michele Bachman was on CBS's Face The Nation, and she
was absolutely disgusted and appalled that Obama was pulling all of
our troops out of Iraq by Christmas. I mean she was
And she's not alone in this criticism. Every Republican candidate
running for the Presidency has voiced similar indignation.

guess I should have expected it. The vast majority of The American
people want us to get out Iraq, and the Republican candidates are
against it. Since when have the Republicans listened to the wants
and needs of the majority of U.S. Citizens?

said that we are being “kicked out” of Iraq.

It's their freaking country! If we're not wanted there by the people
that we are “protecting”, and our people, who are footing the
bill, want us to get the hell out too, then can somebody tell me why
we should stay?

what happened was the Iraqis told us that they would no longer insure
immunity for our troops if we continued to occupy Iraqi soil. In
other words, our fighting forces could be dragged in Iraqi courts to
stand trial for legal infractions real and imagined. If I was Obama,
I would also tell them to go pound sand!)

and her band of Merry Men say that U.S. Troops should stay in Iraq
until the Iraqis are capable of defending themselves.

just when do they supposed that
THAT will be? We have been supposedly training these people to defend
themselves for over eight years. If they haven't achieved their goal
by now, I doubt that they ever will.

the very people that we are trying to protect are telling us to get



know, sometimes I just really just don't get it!

posted on Oct 24, 2011 7:48 AM ()


I can only hope that the voters will finally see the Right for what it really stands for. It's mission, as McConnell said, is to get rid of Obama, and to further the interests of corporate America. There is that base that will not see the truth ... I hope they will be overwhelmed by the rest.
comment by tealstar on Oct 26, 2011 5:01 AM ()
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 24, 2011 4:49 PM ()
I agree. We were there for nine years. If we haven't taught them by now, we are not going to. Also, countries do so much better settling their own differences.
comment by redimpala on Oct 24, 2011 11:32 AM ()
Oh, almost forgot...

Q: what sound do you hear every time Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney walk onto the set of their debates?

comment by jondude on Oct 24, 2011 10:20 AM ()
Hear. Hear! The war in Iraq should never have begun in the first place. It has made us more enemies than friends. Let Bachmann raise her own army and go defend the Sunnis from the Shias. It's not our nation's business or in its interest to do so.
comment by jondude on Oct 24, 2011 10:17 AM ()

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