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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Got Milk?

Got Milk?

I guess I’m just going to step right up here and show my age.
Here goes.
I don’t like it when women talk to me or in front of me about breast feeding.
There! I said it, I’m glad I said, and I’ll say it again, if you want me to.
I don’t like it when women talk to me or in front of me about breast feeding.
I just don’t.
Is that okay with you?
If so, thank you. If not, oh well, …
Do I have a problem with breast feeding?
I appreciate it. I understand that it is healthier for the child than bottle feeding, and it also establishes a stronger bond between parent and child than bottle feeding.
In my play, Blessed Event, I had my main character talk about and support breast feeding in public, as long as it is done discretely.
(I must admit, there have been times, even recently, when I have been with a friend of mine and her newborn, when suddenly, she just stops everything, whips out her breast, and begins breast feeding . . . right in front of me! (I remember thinking through my shock and awe: Holy shit! I just came face to face with Julie’s naked nipple!!!!! Not SIX FREAKING INCHES FROM MY NOSE! How am I EVER going to look her in the eyes again without feeling like a pervert?)
Dogs do it. Whales do it. Monkeys do it. Humans do it.
The thing is, all mammals do it, because they are freaking mammals, and that is what mammal do! That’s what mammal means!
But why the hell do human breast-feeders have to spend so much damned time talking about it?
I don’t mind them talking about it amongst themselves, but personally, I really don’t want to hear it! I’ll be honest; it embarrasses me a little.
Is it a badge of honor or something to talk about about the trials and tribulations of breast feeding? To some women, I really think it is. I had a friend of mine tell me once that she brings up the topic of breast feeding in front of men because “I can do it, and they can’t”
When she said that, I thought, Yeah? So? You’re a freaking woman. You have breasts. So USE them!
Simple as that!
I didn’t want to break this girl’s heart, but, do you know somehing? Men DON’T WANT to be able to breast feed!
I am pretty sure that there is no item on any male’s bucket list anywhere in the world that says anything even close to “Breast feed.”
Trust me on this one.
You can take it to the bank.
We’re not jealous or envious.
Not in the least.
Just like, conversely, there is no such thing as penis envy.
Look. I’m a man, and, because of that happy fact, I have a penis, but I don’t talk about how it hurts sometimes, or the discharges that sometimes take place, or other not-so-pleasant details of having that organ! I don’t talk about it with other men, and I certainly would NEVER EVEN CONSIDER bringing it up in conversation with what is now archaically referred to as “mixed company.” (Unless, of course, I’m speaking about it to my doctor, who just happens to be a woman.)
Again, I have no problem with breast feeding.
I think it is a really good thing.
I think taking a crap at least once a day is a really good thing too, but I’m not going to talk to about in the middle of a meal at the pub!
One woman once told me that my feelings on the subject were just plain stupid and ignorant because “breast feeding is simply a natural bodily function.”
I agreed with her; breast-feeding is a normal, natural bodily function!
No argument!
So is vomiting, taking a leak, taking a crap, farting, and belching…but do they REALLY need to be discussed in public? Also, I do ALL of those things, but I’m not proud of them or jealous of others who do them longer or louder or whatever-er. They are just things that need to be done.
Simple as that.
And, if I feel uneasy talking about breast feeding or breast pumps, or “drying up” or having too much milk, or becoming a wet nurse, isn’t that all right?
Okay then. Let’s talk about the color of the diarrhea I had last night.
What do you say?

posted on Jan 30, 2012 8:24 AM ()


I agree with you and take it a step further -- I don't appreciate nonstop gushing over babies. Fine, you had one, now shut up. Insofar as men not wanting, ever, to breast feed, I can relate. However, please also know that "penis envy" is a myth. I like to borrow one from time to time, but do not want to have one. That myth grew out of the whole inequality thing -- want your pay scale, not your penis, is the answer. Also, if men had the babies, abortion legislation would never see the light of day. There, I've said it.
comment by tealstar on Feb 4, 2012 5:33 AM ()
Hi Teal. I think I said here that "penis envy" was a nonsensical myth. Also, I agree with you, if men were the ones who got pregnant, you could get abortions at the McDonald's drive-thru window.
reply by hayduke on Feb 4, 2012 6:39 AM ()
If a woman needs to breast feed in public, she should use a diaper or blanket to cover her breast. Also, I agree. I discuss breast feeding with women..,..not with men. Perhaps I'm old-fashioned also, but that's how I feel about it.
comment by redimpala on Feb 1, 2012 8:06 AM ()
Yeah, the more I Thought about it the more I do see your point, as long as there is somewhere to go... otherwise, nature must prevail!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 31, 2012 7:14 AM ()
reply by hayduke on Jan 31, 2012 7:20 AM ()
yeah I do think the topic is a bit delicate for mixed company. and it should be done discreatly as the other bodily functions you mentioned.

yer people have no sense of propriety pal
comment by honeybugg on Jan 31, 2012 3:02 AM ()
boys. But I see your point... sorta. Breastfeeding is something that NEEDS to be done when it NEEDS to be done, no matter where ya are. While it doesn't need to be discussed, it is a part of life.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 30, 2012 12:20 PM ()
Yes. I agree, Sweet Kristy! It needs to be done when it needs to be done. So does taking a righteous dump, but, when that need arises, I usually excuse myself from the rest of the group and go into another room!
reply by hayduke on Jan 30, 2012 2:28 PM ()
I do not do it.
comment by fredo on Jan 30, 2012 9:57 AM ()
Me neither!!!! Nor would I ever WANT to!!
reply by hayduke on Jan 31, 2012 7:19 AM ()
I often remind Donna that *I* have the penis in our relationship and that should count for something! Apparently it doesn't. Stepdaughter is the only person I know who is young enough and has kids enough to have recent experience with breast feeding, but I don't remember her raising the topic in my presence, and she certainly didn't do it--but that was for her comfort, not mine. As for any bodily discharges you had last night, let's not talk about that either.
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 30, 2012 9:05 AM ()
Good! I don't want to talk about it either!!!!!
reply by hayduke on Jan 31, 2012 7:20 AM ()

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