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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Politics & Legal > Faulty Liberal Democratic Thinking

Faulty Liberal Democratic Thinking

You know what I think? I think that
conservative Republicans are brilliant people, and it is because they
are so brilliant that ignorant, dull, liberal-minded people such as
myself simply could never HOPE to understand their logic nor their

Why do I think such things?

Glad you asked.

You see, there's this guy, Mitt Romney,
who kind of looks like a mature Ken doll, and he is soon to be the
Republican candidate in the upcoming Presidential election. I'm
mean, you have to be pretty darned smart to achieve that goal, right?
(The candidate thing; not the Ken doll thing.)

Not only that, but I have A LOT of
very intelligent friends who are going to vote for him. And these
people wouldn't vote for somebody that they thought was stupid or
even of just average intelligence.

So, this Mr. Romney guy has got to be
pretty smart.



So here's where I show my ignorance and
my liberal feeble-mindedness.


Here goes:

If Romney's so smart, how come I think
he's dumber than a box of rocks?


Two weeks ago, The Supreme Court of the
United States of America ruled that The Affordable Health Care Act
put forth by President Obama was constitutional.

Now, this piece of legislation is
almost an exact duplicate of the health care act that Mr. Romney
signed into law in 2006 when he was Governor of The Commonwealth Of
Massachusetts. Back then, he touted the law as something that would
be a huge benefit for the citizens of MA.

So how come two weeks ago, he stated
that the national health care bill, that was based on his health care
bill for Massachusetts, was “a bad idea yesterday, and it is a bad
idea today.”

For the life of me, with my limited,
liberal brain power, I cannot figure out how this can be! I mean,
from what I can see, the two bills are almost freaking
How could things
have changed so drastically? Once, Mitt considered this legislation
to be better than manna from Heaven. Now, it has morphed into the
worst piece of legislation ever to come down the Massachusetts
Turnpike. . . in just
six short years?

Either Mitt's wrong, or I'm wrong. And Mitt is running for President
and has a whole bunch of people who are going to vote him, and I'm
just a no-name schmuck who is sitting here writing this blog post all
by my lonesome.

By the way, the Republican-dominated House of Representatives is
going to vote again today to repeal ObamaCare without any proposal
to replace it with.

Do you know how many times they've voted to repeal this thing?
Today's vote will bring the grand total to thirty-three.

Thirty-three freaking times!!!!!!

I may be a liberal, but even I understand what they're driving
at; they don't like the freaking bill! Okay! It doesn't take
thirty-three times to get that point across! (Especially when you're
on the clock!)

AND, they know that, after they vote to repeal it yet again,
it will get shot down in the Senate. AAAANNNDDD, if, by
some miracle, it does pass the Senate, Obama will veto it.
So, these Republicans KNOW that they are wasting their time!

Thirty-three times!!!


I know that I'm missing something here. I mean, the actions of that
elected officials cannot be as stupid as I think they

So it has to be me, right?

I worry about myself sometimes.

AND, John Boehner defended the seemingly redundant action yesterday,
(“redundant” to we dim-bulb liberals), by saying that he doesn't
want to be part of the dismantling of “the best healthcare
delivery system that the world has ever seen.”

Which healthcare system do you think he's talking about?


Again, I'll show my ignorance.

If we have the best healthcare system on the planet, how come people
travel from the United States to Canada to get their prescriptions
filled? How come people who need operations and extended healthcare
go to places like The Dominican Republic instead of staying here in
the good old U.S. Of A.??? How come forty-six million of us have no
healthcare insurance??????????

Perhaps Mr. Boehner isn't talking about the healthcare system that
we, the average citizens, have to endure. Perhaps he's talking about
the healthcare benefits that he and all the rest of the 8.5 million
federal employees have.

These guys get to choose from over 300 plans, the most popular of
which is the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Family Plan where the government
pays $1,120.47 and the individual government employee pays $356.59
per month. Or, if they prefer an HMO, there's the Kaiser Standard
Family Plan, where the government pays $629.46 and the individual
government employee pays $157.36 a month.

Also, each member of Congress, but not their families, can get free
medical care at The Office of the Attending Physician, which is
located right there in the Congressional Office Building. They can
also get free out-patient care at Walter Reed Hospital.

THAT must be “the best healthcare delivery system that the world
has ever seen” that Mr. Boehner is talking about.


You know something? I'd take that plan for those prices in a
second!!!! But, it's not offered to the masses because it would be
too cost prohibitive.

Know what I think? I think that Congress should get the same health
benefits that the rest of us get.

Not for nothing, but do you know how much money we, the taxpayers,
shelled out for federal employee healthcare last year?

Over fifteen billion dollars.

That's “billion”, with a B.

That's “15” with NINE zeroes after it.

And yet, the few billion that ObamaCare will cost to cover ALL
Americans is way too much money to spend, according to the

See how I get so confused???

Okay, enough about healthcare.

Now, President Obama wants to extend the tax cuts that were enacted
by President George W. Bush for American families making less than
$250,000 annually. Obama's logic on this is that middle class
families can use all the help that they can get right about now in
order to keep themselves solvent and to keep the wolf away from the

Once again, in my dimwitted view of the world, I actually think that
this is a good thought.

However, Mitt Romney says that limiting the tax cuts to families
making less $250,000 is not a good idea. He says that the tax cuts
should also go to the wealthy, because they are the ones whom he
calls “the job creators”, and they would use their savings from
the the tax cuts to create new jobs!

The man is nothing short of BRILLIANT!!!!

I never thought of that!!!!

Did you?

And here's something else that I never thought of until just this

If the wealthy are the job creators in this country, and cutting
their taxes will encourage them to create new jobs for Americans . .

then how come it
hasn't worked so far?

I mean, George W. enacted these tax cuts for ALL Americans, the
wealthy included, back in 2001 (The Economic Growth and Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2001) and then again in 2006 (The Jobs and Tax
Relief Reconciliation Act of 2006).

“The Job Creators” have had over ELEVEN FREAKING YEARS of tax
cuts, and the unemployment rate in The United States as of last
Friday was

To my way of thinking, cutting taxes for the rich didn't work!

The way that I see it, the wealthy have avenues to tax shelters and
tax deferments that are not available to the average American, and
much of their income is gained in non-taxable ways. And, while the average American took these tax cuts and used them to put
food on the table or to attempt to pay the mortgage on their homes,
the wealthy took that money for the past the last eleven years and
squirreled it away in tax sheltered fund or off-shore bank accounts
in the Caymans.

Either that, or they spent it on necessities. But seriously, how many
Lear Jets, Swiss Chalets and mega-yachts can one person own?

One thing is certain, they didn't spend it on creating new jobs.

I know my logic here is faulty. I just know it is!

But what do you want from me?

I'm just a ...liberal. (*sigh!*)

posted on July 11, 2012 7:29 AM ()


I'm late catching up on posts ... you must write again about the current flap concerning legitimate rape. I do think Akin did the Dems a favor in bringing this issue front and center.
comment by tealstar on Aug 23, 2012 5:25 PM ()
What, no retort from Eddie (yet)? If it makes you feel any better, I'm just as addled as you. Good post.
comment by solitaire on July 14, 2012 5:20 AM ()
"Job creators?" Right. In Shenyang, Shanghai and Nanking.
comment by jondude on July 11, 2012 7:11 PM ()
Exactly right, my friend.
reply by hayduke on July 12, 2012 6:14 PM ()
You are one of my favorite liberals. Good to hear from ya!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 11, 2012 12:07 PM ()
Always glad to oblige, Kristy! (By the way, I just got my second play published, and "Blessed Event" is going up in the Seattle area this coming January and February!)
reply by hayduke on July 12, 2012 6:13 PM ()
comment by troutbend on July 11, 2012 9:02 AM ()
Right back at ya, Trout!
reply by hayduke on July 12, 2012 6:14 PM ()

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