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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Sports & Recreation > Golf > Appeasing the Golf Gods

Appeasing the Golf Gods

Okay, I have a sports question, if you consider golf a sport. Why is it so damned important for professional golfers to play the game in dead silence?
Seriously, I just don’t get it! You’re out in middle fairway with a few thousand people in the gallery, and when the man in funny colored clothes and the tassels on his shoes steps up to the little, dimpled, white ball, you can hear a pin drop! Even the ESPN announcers, who are usually bombastic, ignorant, and enamored by the sound of their own voices, speak sparsely and in hush tones.

What gives?

Is the silence in order to let the player concentrate on his shot? Yeah??? REALLY???? How much concentration does it take to pick up a stick and whack the hell out of a little ball? It’s not like, if the guy with the stick messed up, somebody would get hurt, right?

Look at baseball, for crying out loud! In that sport a person rockets a hard little projectile close to another person’s head at close range with velocities exceeding 90 miles a hour! Is the person throwing the projectile doing so in hushed silence? Hardly! Most times, when the hurling is taking place, the cacophony from the peanut gallery is deafening! Forty thousand fans are screaming at the top of their lungs, food and drink vendors are hawking their wares, bad organ music is blasting out of speakers loud enough to be heard on the moon, bleacher bums are in center field stands batting around oversized beach balls, and other fans are roaring their approval or disapproval while participating in round after round of “The Wave.”

I guess I just don’t understand.

To be honest, I have a hard time trying to figure out golf anyhow. What’s the attraction? (I don’t care what you say, it’s not a sport!) It’s slow. To me, it’s not very exciting. You wait forever for it to be your turn, and then you just beat a little white ball into the woods, or into a freaking manmade lake, or you simply top the ball, and it dribbles down the fairway, just barely passing out the divot of sod that you just managed to escavate and send sailing.

Do you golf for exercise? What exercise? Most of the golf courses now-a-days insist that you NOT walk the course, but drive a cart. Walking is too slow, and it holds everybody up. (After all, the faster that the owners of the course can push people around the links, the more money they make.)

Some golfers insist that they golf to “get out into nature.” Are you kidding??!! When’s the last time you ever saw “Nature” so carefully manicured and watered?

And, to be honest, most golfers don’t really do it to commune with nature at all, do they? A PGA pro by the name of Tripp Isenhour this week killed a hawk on a golf course while he was filming a golf how-to video. He killed the innocent bird by smashing its skull in with driven golf ball. Later on, he said that he didn’t mean to kill the critter.

According to eye witnesses, he became irritated whith the bird's squaking. So he hopped into a golf cart to get as close to the bird as he could, and then he took at least a dozen shots at the creature until he finally nailed it. I mean, come on now! He didn't think he would hit the creature? This is a man who makes his living by shooting golf balls hundreds of yards while aiming for the tiniest of flags! (This “nature lover” is now up on charges of cruelty to animals and killing a migratory bird.)

Why did Tripp kill the hawk? Because it was making noise while he was trying to shoot a golf ball. (Tell me how he’s any different that Michael Vick!) He killed an innocent creature for making sounds!

Which leads me back to my original question in this post: Why the hell is it so damned important for professional golfers to play the game in dead silence? If that hawk was perched on the Pesky Pole in Fenway Park,(which, for you folks who are not in tune with the greatest sport of all time played in the greatest city this side of Alpha Centuri, is the foul pole down the first base line in the ball park where the Boston Red Sox play), the patrons, who are true sports fans in EVERY sense of the word, would have been throwing him peanuts, and the media would have trained a dozen cameras on him and made him a celebrity!

Somebody help me with this one. I mean, for God’s sake, a creature lost his life this week because he dared to make noise on a golf course? What is the matter with these men with tassels on their shoes?

posted on Mar 8, 2008 2:39 PM ()


I'm a golfer and I don't need absolute silence to 10 putt a par 4 or loose my ball in a pine tree or slice a shot clear to Saturn.

yer anybody see where that went pal
comment by honeybugg on Mar 11, 2008 3:50 PM ()
There is nothing better than a foursome, none of which are good golfers, with a cooler of brew and 6 hours to kill. Hot dogs at the turn, peein' in the woods, and waiting all day for just that one shot that doesn't stink so bad.
comment by oombutu on Mar 11, 2008 8:43 AM ()
I love golfing, but it isn't a sport. It's a skill.

The most difficult thing to do in professional sports is to hit a major league fastball.

Calling golf a sport is like calling knitting a sport. It's just not there. However, it's the only activity where I can walk around for 4 hours drinking beer and doing something with even a tiny bit of competition.

It also has one of the smallest margins of error of any type of physical skill. In baseball or football, it's a game of inches. With golf, it's a game of millimeters.
comment by oombutu on Mar 11, 2008 8:25 AM ()
This is too funny and really good. Remember the Adam Sandler movie, "Happy Gilmore," people were loud during that! I never understood why the silence.
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 10, 2008 9:11 AM ()
no clue! It takes me time to warm up to even mini golf...
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 9, 2008 4:23 PM ()
Don't look at me, I have no idea...but then again I don't understand golf at all.
comment by elfie33 on Mar 9, 2008 2:01 PM ()
What can I say? I've been an avid golfer since age 12. It's in my blood. I'm not even going to attempt to defend my sport. I walk, by the way. As for noise when you're swinging, it's the "BOO" factor. Startling. Constant noise is ok with me.
comment by solitaire on Mar 9, 2008 7:42 AM ()
I'm with you on the whole golf thing--my father tried to get me interested in it as a kid--'will be good for you in the business world'--after 2 games I told him what he could do with the golf, ball and business world.
comment by greatmartin on Mar 8, 2008 4:55 PM ()
My dad is a big golfer and oftentimes in the summer tries to get me to play with him. I usually try to make up an excuse to get out of it. The only thing golf related I like is the movie Caddyshack.
comment by mattguru18 on Mar 8, 2008 4:52 PM ()
I think golf ought to be at least a misdemeanor.
comment by looserobes on Mar 8, 2008 4:16 PM ()
Serious golfers walk. I signed the USGA pledge years ago to walk where it is allowed. Some courses require renting carts. If you don't play golf you won't understand it. As for the quiet... I shout a "mantra" when I swing. It upsets my partners but to hell with them. I play for pocket money with those guys.
comment by jondude on Mar 8, 2008 2:54 PM ()

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