Last week I had to go and do the unthinkable.
After many years of being carried in my wallet my social security card had become no longer legible. I think I had it for at least 20 years.
So on Monday right after lunch I made my way to the local Social Security Office.
I had been prepared by friends with horror stories of the waiting time and the general attitude of the government workers, and also that I might get my new card in the mail maybe in 6 (if I was lucky) weeks.
Once there on my way in I found the security guard, we shared a “how ya doin” conversation and then on my in he made sure that I knew where go and what to do.
Once I had gotten my “you will be served “number I sat to wait- paperback in hand.
But lo and behold 15 minutes later my number was called and I was on my way.
Once at the window I gave the man my paper work and told him what I needed. “Not a problem” he cheerfully told me.
As he filled out the forms he kept up a conversation with me. We talked sports and stuff, I even got directions to the new Lowes.
Well in a just a few minutes he was done, wished me cheerful good bye and I was on my stunned way. Even the security guard waved good bye and said “see ya”.
Total time---about 1 hour.
Boy had they ruined my day. I was prepared to spend all day waiting, to be treated as an unwelcome intrusion between coffee breaks and have my blood pressure go up about 100 points.
And what was I going to do with the extra time? Well I figured that out by having lunch at my favorite Chinese restaurant.
And to top it all off, I got my new card in the mail the following Saturday.
Just what the hell is our government coming to?
I don’t know if I can handle this example of cheerful bureaucratic efficiency.