Did you ever notice that sometimes you can see better when your sitting in the dark?
I have found that I like “New Age “ music. When I am in a retrospective mood it helps my mind wander. I can think about 1,000 things and maybe find the answer to the one thing that is bothering me. Of course a glass of an adult beverage helps .
I am setting out on a new page in my book of life-and to tell you the truth it scares the life out of me. I am not in control and that is a new feeling.
There is an excuse people use-God made me do it. Well guess what he didn’t. He gave us free will, he gave us the right to make choices. I guess that is a blessing-somedays I am not real sure. But at this late time in my life- choices seem to be my middle name. I hope I am grown up enough to make them.
I start my new job Friday.
I have a new lady in my life- a good one.
My health is good.
I have friends-real ones.
And at times I feel so alone, I know the light at the end tunnel is a train coming the other way.
But what are you going to do?
I guess you sit in the dark and think and hope you can see.
No I am not depressed, concerned yes.
And life goes on.