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A Semi True Story
A Semi True Story
Have you ever gone to lunch or dinner with a vegetarian?
Now work with me here.
This is a true story about a semi girlfriend and I. Now when I first met her she ate meat. This girl could suck the meat off a rib at a hundred yards. Hell I thought BBQ sauce was a makeup choice.
I don’t know what happened but she became a vegan.
On with the story:
There the both of you are at the Shoney’s all you can stuff down your gullet Salad Bar.
You have come to a pause so you figure out if you put the ham, eggs and cheese on your salad will 3 spoons of bacon bits be a might to much.
And I got the look. The one that’s telling you what a beast you are.
All I could do was point to the other side of bar to the all you can devour shrimp and explain that I was saving room on the plate.
When we got back to the table all seemed to be going well until I looked up and saw a tear in her eye.
I asked her if she was ok-she even commented how good the bean sprouts in her salad were.
About that time our sandwiches showed up. I had the double bacon, bacon cheese burger. She had the veggie and tofu cheese melt.
About half way thru the meal I offered her a bite and I could see her hand begin to shake.
After a moment she composed herself, rose from the table and said she had to leave.
I got up quickly grabbed the last piece of bacon (waste not, want not) from my plate and paid the bill.
I found her leaning against her car sobbing.
She told me that life wasn’t fair and she couldn’t see me again.
Well I never did.
But people kept me up to date for a time.
There were reports of her wandering the neighborhoods on Saturday afternoons staring at BBQ grills and standing down wind so the smoke could wash over her.
She was seen sneaking in and out of KFCâ€s.
She even showed up at work one day after lunch with drops of secret sauce on her blouse.
I am sure the story of her trying to hi-jack a hot dog cart down town was just that a story.
She came to mind to day as I was eating a bowel of Chili.
Hope she is ok-last I heard she had married a butcher and moved to Wyoming,
posted on Oct 23, 2008 1:28 PM ()
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