Gail Marie


Gail Marie
Lansing, MI
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Life & Events > Good Morning to All My Friends.

Good Morning to All My Friends.

MAy 21St 2008
              I really can't tell you how I feel today.I kinda feel blah. I am trying to get Matt up and ready for school. My son is trying to get out of school. He keeps waking up really early then not going back to sleep.
           I told him he still has to go. He doesn't like me right now. But I tell that school is very important and he has to go. But he is a 7 year old. He doesn't see it. I think that what is going on is that he is smarter than some of the kids in class. He is in 1St grade and doing 2ND grade work. I think he is Bored.  I am trying to get him Tested for Asperger's.  He is very smart but unable to make friends.  Hopefully I will hear back on their testing soon. This way I know how to help him.
          You know another one of those hurry up to wait. He has math homework every night. It takes him 5 minutes to do it. He is now reading Chapter books.
            My goodness I have never seen a boy move so slow .  I was getting upset cause he may miss his bus. I don't have cash to send him to school on Dial a ride.
          Yes I have a car now but it isn't legal yet. I am going to go tonight after Joe gets home and get it legal.
          I am going to have to get Hunter's toddler bed here real soon. He is starting to figure out how to climb out of the crib. I am so not ready for that step.  But the fact is if I am ready or not it is here.
          Just one more thing I am not ready for. Kids just grow up way to fast.  Matt has pretty little girls knocking on my door wanting Matt to come out and play. Hunter doesn't want to be carried anymore he has to walk on his own. 
          Don't get me wrong I am happy they are becoming more independent. But that also means my baby's are growing up. I wanted Hunter to stay more baby-ish because he is the last. I am working on taken away the bottle making him drink more from his sippy cup. He sits at the table with us like a big boy to eat any meal.
          My goal for today is to cook dinner. I haven't felt like cooking in a long time. I am to make a goal everyday that is obtainable. So to many of you that goal may seem easy. But for me to just get moving is a goal.
Enough For Now.
Gail Marie

posted on May 21, 2008 4:49 AM ()


Gail, if you chase Hunter around all day, make dinner AND go get the car legal... I say... Mission accomplished, right? Have a really great day my friend.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 21, 2008 9:24 AM ()
Your goals are and should be just that....your goals for the day. It does not matter what anyone else may think. I think a goal of cooking dinner is great....I haven't cooked dinner in so long I think I've forgotten how. I set goals for myself (usually just in my mind) but it may include things like "wash the dishes".....I know there are plenty of days I need to just have something I am aiming at. As for the day you set the goal to clean the house, and you didn't reach the goal....well I do believe that we need to aim that we can miss the mark some of the time. We have to reach for things that some of the times are out of reach!!!
Enjoy your time with your little ones...they do grow up way too 'babies' are 26 and almost 29 ! UGH!!!! Where on earth did the time go?!! And how on earth can I have one reaching the age of 29? I'm not old enough to have a child that age!!
Hugs to ya'll!
comment by dakmom on May 21, 2008 6:07 AM ()
wow, matt sounds alot like my kota! I hope you have a great day Gail! kids sure do grow up fast! my daughter is now 20 and my other son is almost 22. and kota is 7. seems like only yesterday they were all little kids running around like crazy.
comment by elkhound on May 21, 2008 5:42 AM ()

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