Gwen, I wish I could be there for you to give you a big hug. I am so sorry you are hurting and you are not any of the things you mentioned in your letter. We all need someone sometimes and it is good that you are able to ask for it. You can't get what you don't ask for. If you need me, please let me know and I'll give you my number. I don't have a sister and don't know what it is like to be one but I will try to be there for you if you need me. We are in the same boat and I have felt the same way.
What a wonderful treat for yourself. Next time ditch the chores after and just enjoy the moment of the pampering! I want a spa day!
Beautiful photo.. and I agree with lunarhunk, you won't be alone. You have such a wonderful caring and giving heart, when the time is right, you will find that happiness you seek. I believe that for you and for me! We deserve it and when we get our act together and learn to appreciate us, someone else will too! Love you Gwennie!
Isn't it harder when they are nicer to you once it's over? It is for me anyway! Glad he was able to do that for you. One less stress.
Would you like some cheese to go with that whine? JK I am sorry you are under the weather and hurt. I'm sure you are frustrated not being able to get around as you would like. The down fall of being a productive person eh? Take care and have a lousy day! Lots of love Randy
You just wait,... paybacks are a .... You just hope that is what happened to him!
Free Spidey!!!! oops, too late. Sorry you are so scared of them! They really are very sweet little things. If you decide you want to let them go a paper cup and file folder work great. Catch him in the cup and slide the folder underneath and set them outside!
I am so jealous!
I'm going to Jiffy lube!
I don't know Angie, sounds like the type a woman I have known to love on these posts We are all a walking contradiction aren't we?
You can do this Gwen, you will make mistakes, you will learn from them and become a stronger and wiser woman! Thinking of you !
Don't you wish you could put your car in reverse and go find that damn car, go back and stay in the moment that life is good! I'm so excited for your possibilities and opportunities. Take them and don't look back!
You will be thought of whether you blog or not so do what you need to do and enjoy the thoughts, prayers and attention! You deserve it and can take comfort in knowing that you are cared enough about to have people worry! You are blessed! And what is this animal wise book?
What a great commercial.. very cleaver and I nailed the # but missed the bear as well. Very cool!